This will be an online meeting: Monday 11 November at 7pm, via Zoom using this link:
The bracketed information shows the time allocated to each item.
Convenors’ reports will be added below the agenda as they are received.
- Welcome and apologies (5 minutes)
- Approval of minutes of October 2024 meeting and matters arising (5 minutes)
- PDF of draft minutes: 2024_10_14 draft V6
- matters arising from October meeting
Item | Actor | Action |
4.b | Cllr Mitchell | Try to find a deputation to CEC planning about the impact of bollards conservation areas |
4.b | M Birch/P Williamson | Compile a list of specific actions about the EWHT issues |
4.d | P Williamson | Write an article for The Spurtle on the forthcoming CC elections |
6.b | Cllr Caldwell | Share information on changes to STL licensing when possible |
7.a | R Price | Put form relevant to amended RBS application on NTBCC website |
- Chair’s report (5 minutes)
- Edinburgh World Heritage Site Management Plan Update
- Community Council Elections and Governance Update
- Planning (30 minutes)
- Presentation: Amended plans for the RBS site (24/04542/PAN) Ediston / Turley
- Culture and communities matters (30 minutes)
- Presentation: Update on the George St and First New Town Project: problems, challenges and solutions – Jamie Robertson, CEC
- Report on Walkabout (First New Town) – (to discuss)
- Visitor Levy Consultation (closes 15.12.24) – to note/discuss
- Edinburgh Future Libraries Consultation (closes 18.12.24) – to note/discuss
- Planning matters continued (10 minutes)
- 24/05018/FUL Installation of BT Street Hub & removal of 4 kiosks on Dundas Street (to discuss)
- 24/05030/FUL Alterations / new /reinstated openings 25 Carlton Terrace Mews (to discuss)
- 24/04750/FUL 30-31 Princes St: Change of use of retail space to hotel use (to note)
- Other applications being assessed: Christmas Markets / ESF / McDonald Place (to note)
- Licensing matters (15 minutes)
- STL Evidence Session with Regulatory Committee (to note)
- Licensing Board/Forum meeting about Overprovision (to note)
- Unlawful use of unlicensed HMOs for homeless accommodation (to note)
- Current Applications including:
- Alcohol licensing – Variation 537555 for ESF outside the Omni, related to Planning 24/03724/FUL approved 6/11/24
- Civic licensing – STL 538256 at 10a Blenheim Place (EH7 5JH)
- Civic licensing – LHC ?????? at 6 Picardy Place (EH1 3JT)
- Civic licensing – HMO ?????? at 39-47 Albany Street (EH1 3QY)
- Transport and environment matters (10 minutes)
- Visit to Recycling Centre Report (to note)
- Transport & Environment Committee Meeting (18.11.24) Agenda (to note)
- Communal Bin Review
- Street Cleaning Petition
- Any other business (10 minutes)
Planning report
to follow
Licensing convenor’s report
to follow
Transport & Environment convenor’s report
NTBCC Transport & Environment Committee Update – November 2024
Culture and Communities convenor’s report
to follow