NTBCC meeting agendas Monday 13 June 2022

This is our first in-person meeting for over 2 years. Members of the public are very welcome to attend this meeting either in-person or via Zoom – there are two Eventbrite links:

In order to know numbers, we’re asking everyone including community councillors to register. Registration via either link covers both the AGM and the ordinary meeting that will immediately follow it.

AGM agenda

  1. Attendance/apologies for absence
  2. Submission & adoption of June 2021 AGM Minutes
  3. Chair’s annual report summary*
  4. Treasurer’s submission of balance sheet and annual accounts*
  5. Engagement officer’s annual report summary*
  6. Election of office bearers
  7. Any other business, including provisional date for 2023 AGM
  8. Close of AGM

* Agenda items 3,4 & 5 also include questions from members of the public attending

Ordinary meeting agenda

  1. Admin/welcome
  1. Minutes of 9 May 2022 ordinary meeting, and matters arising
    (To approve)
  1. Additional NTBCC meeting on 11 July
    (To agree)
  1. Police Report and Q&A (assuming Police Scotland attends) (5 minutes)
    (To note: Police Scotland key messages as received/circulated prior to meeting)
  1. Engagement and communication
    1. Presentation and Q&A: ‘Our Neighbourhood Edinburgh’ (15 minutes)
    2. George Street & First New Town – CEC response post NTBCC submission/next steps (5 minutes)
  1. Transport
    1. Proposal to ‘sist’ NTBCC Participation Request (‘Travelling Safely’) – to agree (10 minutes)
    2. East London Street – proposal for July NTBCC meeting attendance by Lothian Buses (5 minutes)
    3. ETRO / EV charging / Tram Work – latest news (5 minutes)
  1. Licensing (10 minutes)
    1. Edinburgh Council Short Term Let (Licensing) consultation: NTBCC response – to note
  1. Planning (15 minutes)
    1. Current Short Term Let (Retrospective) planning applications – NTBCC response
    2. 27 – 29 Beaverhall Road (HUB) application: NTBCC response & follow-ups
    3. Powderhall (Phase III) Waste Transfer site: pre-consultation – pre-application consultation
  1. Environment (10 minutes)
    1. Waste Management – Communal Bin Hub proposed trial for World Heritage site – to note
  1. Edinburgh World Heritage Management Plan – NTBCC response re. proposed engagement
  1. Any other business, news from local Residents’ Associations etc

During the meetings, names and email addresses may be recorded. Email addresses are held and used for circulating information about NTBCC but may also be used to seek residents’ views on local issues.