NTBCC minutes – Monday 9 June 2014

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of New Town and Broughton Community Council, held in the Drummond Room, Broughton St Mary’s Church, Bellevue Crescent on Monday 9 June 2014 at 7.30pm

1 Attendance and apologies for absence

1.1 NTBCC members present

Judy Conn, Iain McGill, Richard Corral, Ian Mowat, Jonathan Finn, Richard Price, Lynn Henni, Christine Ross, Gaby Holden, Alan Welsh, James Igoe, Cllr Joanna Mowat (City Centre ward)

1.2 Others present

Alan McIntosh (Broughton Spurtle), Bruce Ryan (minutes secretary), John Ross Maclean (Broughton Spurtle)

1.3 Apologies

Susanna Beaumont, Stuart Cowie, Carol Nimmo, Cllr Karen Doran (City Centre ward), Cllr Lesley Hinds (Inverleith ward), Cllr Alasdair Rankin (City Centre ward), Mark Lazarowicz MP (Edinburgh North & Leith)

2 Minutes of AGM 12 May 2014

No inaccuracies seen – these minutes will be formally adopted at 2015 AGM

3 Minutes of ordinary meeting 12 May 2014

3.1 Accuracy and adoption

The following typos were noted

  • Item 3, para 2, line 5 and penultimate line: Speigel Terrace should have been Spiegel Terrace and Speigletent should have been Spiegeltent
  • Item 6 should have read report had been circulated – no matters arising
  • Item 8, line 3: report should have been support

Subject to these being amended, the minutes were adopted (proposed A Welsh, seconded L Henni, nem con)

3.2 Matters arising

3.2.1 George Street Festival arrangements

It was asked whether there will be spaces for benches for public who are not buying food and drink. Cllr Mowat recalled that there had been such benches in 2013 at the edges of deckings. There was some discussion of previous bench arrangements and the possibility of bench sponsorship.

Action: I Mowat to write to Essential Edinburgh and Edinburgh Council Planning Committee to push for such public benches.

3.2.2 King James Thistle Hotel

I Mowat had asked Edinburgh Council for information relating to discussion with hotel owner re the development of Picardy Place roundabout site. He received a response saying no was information held. IM had last week sought a review of this decision and made an amended request. EC’s response is awaited. A Welsh saw on a recent planning list that it has been referred to the full planning committee.

4 Police Report

No police representative, hence no report. I Mowat noted that he has sent dates and venues of NTBCC meetings to the police, while Cllr Mowat noted that police rotas have changed

Action: I Mowat to ask Police to send representatives to future NTBCC meetings

R Corral volunteered to represent NTBCC at the Safer Communities Forum (run by City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership) 18 June, 6-7pm, City Chambers.

Action: all NTBCC members to send ideas for safety priorites to I Mowat and R Corral

5 Chair’s Report

See appendix 1 for full report

5.1 Meeting conduct

See item 1 of appendix 1

5.2 Public engagement

Positive feedback about the new website has been received from the public. Potential improvements to the website will be discussed at the August ordinary meeting. It was noted that the online advert in the Spurtle links to I Mowat’s personal email.
Action: this should be replaced with the website URL

5.3 Independence debate/hustings

A subcommittee to investigate/arrange this was created (I McGill, B MacPherson, L Henni, R Price). It was suggested that a comedian be asked to chair it, to provide the right balance of gravitas and light-heartedness. A Welsh asked how much NTBCC community would get out of this, fearing that only the usual clichés would be heard but I Mowat suggested that such events get high turnouts.

5.4 Co-operation with other groups

It was suggested that Living Streets could be invited to speak at an autumn NTBCC meeting.
Action: L Henni to invite them

I Mowat will represent NTBCC at the next Neighbourhood Partnership meeting but asked other NTBCC members to go to future NP meetings. Cllr Mowat noted that the NP board has 4 consultative/public meetings and 3 or 4 closed/business meetings per year. The board comprises CCllrs, Edinburgh Councillors, Police, Charities. It has other subgroups to create more community involvement

5.5 20mph zones

Cllr Mowat noted that Edinburgh Council will publish a map of such zones, and will be consulting about enforcement. There will be a public meeting at Stockbridge library (17 June 7:30-9:30) and online consultation in the autumn. It was asked whether NTBCC could consult its residents via its website.

6 Planning

See appendix 2 for monthly planning committee report

6.1 Pre-application Consultation re 34b Haddington Place 14/02115/PAN

R Price and S Beaumont have met with the developers. There had been a successful application for a hotel in 2009 but it has now lapsed. The current proposal is for student accommodation. SB will handle consultation (end of June). RP noted that the developers seem to be sensitive and experienced in developing ‘heritage’ sites (as they are York-based) , and are consulting appropriately. He has a slight concern that the area might end up with too much student accommodation (marginally outwith Edinburgh Council (CEC) guidance but notes that this has been a gap site for too long and needs to be used. There will be an exhibition (McDonald Road library, 24 June 2-8pm).

6.2 St James Centre

The ‘approval of matters’ application is now going to Edinburgh Council’s planning committee, while consultation finishes on 20 July. I Mowat suggested that NTBCC’s planning committee meets soon to consider its response, looking at the types of development and unit envisaged. R Price noted developers have supplied documentation upon request.

A McIntosh noted that current plans specified 1800 underground parking spaces (3 times current provision) and suggested that this, along with the extra tram stop, would overcrowd the city centre. A Welsh stated that he had understood that existing the parking areas would be retained, with new retail areas being built over them, but that now the entire site will be redeveloped. He asked whether additional entries to the parking areas were planned. Cllr Mowat responded that 1800 places is actually less than specified in the Outline planning, that parking arrangements had been agreed in the original permission, that the current application asks for comments on retail unit placing, and that how the earmarked additional £61 million will be used is unclear.

6.3 Hotel at 20 Royal Terrace (Ailsa Craig)

This hotel had sought inter alia to make significant internal & external modifications including an outside terrace but had withdrawn that application. It has now resubmitted the application omitting previously-planned external changes.

Action: C Nimmo to canvass residents’ associations and recommend whether further representation required

6.4 Charlotte Baptist Chapel

PP to change use to ‘super pub’ refused by Edinburgh Planning . Applicant appealed to DPEA. The reporter is visiting tomorrow (Tuesday 10 June). NTBCC Planning will attend along with residents.

6.5 St Stephens Church

No news

6.6 George St – Erection of Outside Decking and Marquees (14/01326-7-8-9/FUL)

See http://www.ntbcc.org.uk/objection-to-edinburgh-councils-plans-for-george-street/, http://www.ntbcc.org.uk/here2/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/1401326FUL-Representation-7May14-Final.pdf and item 3.2.1 above for context.

It was noted that only a few objections had been submitted (NTBCC, Cockburn Association, Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland) and that the matter would go before Edinburgh Council’s Development Management subcommittee on 25 June. R Price stated that he believed that the majority of residents are not aware of these plans. In support, C Ross noted that she believed that many residents didn’t know about Logie Green development (Lidl supermarket etc.) but was unsure what more NTBCC could do. This gave rise to some communications discussion:

  • I Mowat suggested using the website and physical noticeboards.
  • A Welsh noted the sudden appearance of a community noticeboard in Stockbridge (for Stockbridge CC).
  • Cllr Mowat suggested advertising in bus-stops – she might be able to facilitate this.
  • L Henni suggested that engagement should be put on another meeting’s agenda.
  • A McIntosh suggested contacting primary school parent councils each year.
  • I McGill suggested putting advertisements (of the form This month NTBCC is …) in business windows.
  • I Mowat asked the communications committee to consider which of these could be actioned

6.7 14/01777/FUL Eyre Terrace

Representation submitted – see http://www.ntbcc.org.uk/here2/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/1401177PPP-NTBCC-Representation-15May14-Final.pdf

6.8 14/01255/FUL 107 George Street / top of Castle St (change of use of basement from retail to restaurant)

Proposed subdivision and change of use of basement from retail to café/ restaurant Representation made in support of local residents (impact on amenity of adjacent residential area / Sir Walter Scott’s former residence in Castle Street).

6.9 Heriot Hill/Claremont Bank (off Broughton Road)

R Price reported he had been to a meeting of residents concerned about the impact of the works to clear the site. Some damage to residents’ boundary fencing has occurred and there are continuing concerns of land slippage due to the removal of trees and other vegetation. All works appeared to have stopped on the site, following the intervention of Edinburgh Council. Cllr Gardner has been contacted and is aware of the situation. Local residents and NTBCC Planning Committee members were keeping a lookout for a possible planning application for the site and NTBCC would support residents in making appropriate representations if an application was lodged.

6.10 14/01866/FUL Tesco, Broughton Road extension of delivery times vs. 2009 imposed Condition.

Cllr Gardner has received comments from citizens about this issue. NTBCC will submit an objection.

7 Environment

See appendix 3 for environment committee report

It was noted that citizens now need to apply for food bins. It was asked what supermarkets and similar are doing about waste recycling. Cllr Mowat responded that such targets are set by central government, that restaurants do have to put out food waste, that Edinburgh Council is only just catching up with commercial waste collection issues and that it has has been lax in enforcing pavement-use licenses for bins. I McGill suggested inviting a relevant Edinburgh Council official to an NTBCC meeting. (Lisa Paton was suggested by Cllr Mowat.)

8 Transport

It was noted that the trams are running at long last, and that Oyster card equivalents are due in July. A Welsh suggested monitoring tram use once the initial newness-enthusiasm has worn off. He also noted changes to the 36 bus route, the new 6 bus route, that bus times have changed and new new timetables have been published. There was discussion of 20mph zones – this issue should be put on an autumn NTBCC agenda.

The transport committee had not met and so had no other items.

A Welsh noted that there had been a traffic island on Broughton St, just downhill from Albany St, but that it was removed during tram works. Action: L Henni to write, calling for reinstatement of this island

It was asked if Anna Herriman would address NTBCC about Leith Walk. I Mowat will circulate the information he has received from Alan Dean (Edinburgh Council official). C Ross has not received this information and has asked Mr Dean to put her, C Nimmo and L Henni on his mailing list.

9 Licensing

See http://www.ntbcc.org.uk/committees/licensing/ for context. The monthly licensing email from Edinburgh Council had not been received.

  • The only new variation is a Japanese restaurant in Rose St Lane –Licensing committee has no concern here.
  • George St: the majority of bars have applied to use the new extended area for 15 months (drink and food until 10pm, drink until midnight). It was suggested that bars that have nearby residents should not be open as late, and that clashes between people eating at restaurants and bar patrons might occur. It was noted that there had been issues around noise in 2013, and that late-night drinking on Broughton St is down some stairs, significantly reducing noise. It was agreed that if the extensions were just for the duration of the Festival, this would be acceptable but that such extensions might be the thin end of a wedge.

Action: J Finn to submit opposition all extensions outwith Festival dates

10 Activities of Local Street or Amenity Associations

  • I Mowat has been invited to the Moray Feuars’ Association drinks party.
  • I Mowat has asked Claremont Court who their new representative is.
  • I Mowat has been invited to Drummond Civic Association garden party. Gaby may issue more invitations.

11 Any Other Business

The minutes secretary asked to receive all convenor reports, ideally by email before meetings.

12 Details of Next Meeting

August 2014, Drummond Room, Broughton St Mary’s Church, Bellevue Crescent

Appendix 1: Chair’s report

Following the recent election of the officebearers, i.e. Secretary, Chair, Vice-chair and Treasurer, I convened a meeting of officebearers to have a discussion about the direction of the CC in general. Audrey Cavaye, our Secretary, could not make it but Jonathan Finn, Lynn Henni and myself met, and these are our recommendations, which I will report on further under the Chair’s Report item on the agenda for the next meeting.

  1. Clarity was needed as to the conduct of meetings. The officebearers recommended the following in respect of conduct of meetings:
    1. Unless invited to speak by the Chair, members should raise their hand when they wish to speak and wait to be recognised by the Chair before speaking, although the chair may sometimes relax this rule with respect to further contributions on a specific point.
    2. Members of the public would be asked at the beginning of the meeting if they had a specific point to raise – and would be advised by the chair when it would be appropriate to raise it. They would also be offered the opportunity to speak to other agenda items, or question visiting speakers, but otherwise should not interject while members are debating issues, including the issues they had raised.
    3. While it is accepted that debate may at times become heated, members should always show courtesy to other members and (above all) to visiting speakers.
    4. As we are engaging a paid minute taker (Bruce Ryan) for a trial period of 6 months, members should introduce themselves at the beginning of meetings and (within reason) when speaking.
    5. Convenors should keep up the commendable practice of emailing round a report (even if it be a ‘nothing to report’, ideally at least 2 days before the meeting.
  2. Further steps should be taken to increase the CCs’ engagement with the public:
    1. The existence of the excellent new website should be further publicised.
    2. The CC should identify issues in respect of which public meetings and other forms of wider engagement with the community might be held. George St to assess the success fothe year-long trial was one suggestion fof next year.
    3. he CC should consider hosting, ideally jointly with the Spurtle, a referendum debate – and if a date in August during the Fringe could be identified, it might be desirable to give it a light-hearted twist, perhaps by finding a comedian to host it. IM was to sound out the Spurtle and Lynn was to try to come up with a comedian/performer. (The Chair has discussed with the Spurtle editor and they advise that Leith Central CC are also thinking of a referendum hustings and the Spurtle editor suggested the two CCs might co-operate.)
    4. Co-operation with other organisations was desirable. Lynn was to identify if Edinburgh had a pedestrian group equivalent to SPOKES. IM suggested that the CC should be regularly represented at the City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership – where we had a place on the Board, and suggested this would be a good role for the Vice-chair. Lynn said she would consider it, though all members were encouraged to attend some Neighbourhood Partnership meetings – parts of our area fell within the Inverleith and Leith NP areas.

Appendix 2: Planning committee report (issued 2014_06_15)

Dear fellow residents and members of the New Town and Broughton Community Council,

The planning sub-committee requests that members of the community council review this document and any attached links that may be of interest so that comments and concerns can be raised for further discussion at the next community council meeting.

Meeting Details

Planning Sub Committee
Meeting No- 6 Date of Meeting Monday 2/6/14
Committee Members Present YES NO
Judy Conn (JC)
Richard Corral (RC)
Stuart Cowie (SC)
Ian Mowat (IM)
Susanna Beaumont (SB)
Richard Price (RP)

Previous month actions

RESPONSES / UPDATES to Planning Applications May 2014
ref Address Application Reference Action Response received (if applicable)
1 11 Cumberland Street North West Lane
Rear of 20C Fettes Row
13/05285/FUL Mews development (2 properties ; 1 on existing car parking ;2nd on garden ground at rear of Fettes Row. Letter of objection submitted on basis of;

  • loss of garden ground
  • ambiguity re. use of materials
Representation acknowledged as material – decision remains pending. Historic Scotland have no objection
2 Picardy Place 13/03853/PAN Response to Public Exhibition on 6/12/13 submitted

  • Concerns raised re. traffic management (pedestrians / cars / trams)
  • Believe current proposal for hotel (to possibly replace King James Thistle) is over-development of site.
  • Proposed an improved Public Realm open space integrating more with cathedral etc.
  • “FOI” submitted as agreed to CEC with a follow-up request as initial request inconclusive.
No further news – still expect further consultation in 1 – 2 months
Incl. on website ; no responses to date ?
3. Charlotte Baptist chapel 14/00050/REF
(13/02020/FUL & 13/02032/LBC)
Change of use from Class 10 to a Public House (as amended with outside seating area removed)PP refusal appealed to DPEA (Scottish Government reporter) Further NTBCC representation made; Scottish Reporter visit scheduled for 10th June. NTBCC Planning will attend.
4 St Stephen Church NA 26/02/14 SSPT offer not accepted by Church of Scotland. Believed building purchased by a Director of Rockstar North (TBC). Post missives SSPT hopes there would scope for a partnership with new owner(s). SSPT had issued a less than positive newsletter on progress – no further news forthcoming……
5 73 Logie Green Road (Fusion House) 14/01376/FUL Change of use from office to residential units. Overall supportive but representation made covering mix of units, parking permits & Affordable Housing Representation made – pending
6 Street record, George Street (from Charlotte Square to St Andrews Square) 14/01326/FUL,14/01327/FUL, 14/01328/FUL & 14/01329/FUL Installation of permanent street structures (Marquees) to permit outside food / drink services all year round NTBCC objection submitted. Cockburn & AHSS also have made representations but no others. No objection from CEC Environment or Transport. Pending
7 Eyre Terrace Lane (RBS) 14/01777/FUL & 14/01126/CON Demolition of buildings (7 Eyre Terrace Lane & Scotsman Building) & development of multiple use urban block NTBCC representation submitted ; incl. on website.
8 107 George Street @ junction North Castle Street (formerly Lime 14/01522/FUL Proposed sub-division & change of use of upper & lower basement from retail (Class 1) to restaurant/bar (Class 3) NTBCC contacted by resident’s group. Representation submitted. Pending

Planning Applications Reviewed

Planning Applications of NOTE Submitted during period May/June 2014
ref Address Application Reference Description Submitted by;
1 34B Haddington Place 14/02115/PAN Pre Application Consultation – attended meeting with developer / architect / agent
200 – 230 unit student accommodation + mixed retail/restaurant/café + possible gym development adjacent to McDonald library (end June)
2 St James Centre – AMC 14/02070/AMC Extent of Individual Uses (20 June 2014)
3 Tesco, Broughton Road – varying Condition from 09/0039/FUL 14/01866/FUL Section 42 application for non-compliance with condition 1 of permission ref. 09/00039/FUL. Variation sought to allow extension of store deliveries between the hours of 0700 to 2100 Mon-Sat and 0900-1800 Sunday. (24th June 2014).
4 4 Bellevue Terrace 14/01686/LBC & 14/01687/FUL Alterations to front elevation windows behind balustrade & addition of recessed central roof space – change vs. approved scheme (12/04088/FUL) – Cockburn Association objected.
No representation proposed
5 20 Royal Terrace (Ailsa Craig Hotel) 14/02026/FUL Withdrawn / resubmitted with outside terrace removed & removal of rear fire escape (27 June 2014)
6 Planning Seminar N/A RP / IM attended. Key learnings –

  • Importance of representations / comments
  • Enforcement process
  • Focus on Planning Concordat
7 Sandy Hill / Heriot Hill Unauthorised clearing of ground. NTBCC attended meeting – agreed to await probable Planning application.

Comments and Actions to Planning Applications Reviewed

The above applications were discussed over a 2 hour meeting and the following pertinent points were raised;

Sub-committee comments and Actions Action
ref Comments JC RC SC IM RP SB
1 145/02115/PAN 34B Haddington Place
Action: NTBCC to respond to PAN by end June; also post a summary on NTBCC website (RP/SB)
2 14/01866/FUL: Tesco, Broughton Road – varying Condition from 09/0039/FUL – contact local councillor (Nick Gardner) who has made a representation (RP) – check with Mark Lazorovitz (RP) – submit objection
Action : contact local councillor (Nick Gardner) who has made a representation (RP) – check with Mark Lazarovitz (RP) – submit objection (RP)
3 14/02026/FUL: Canvas residents through Carol Nimmo
Action: Review amended application & respond accordingly (RP)
4 14/02070/AMC: Hard copy of key documents sourced from GVA James Barr (RP/SC) as necessary
Action: Review latest submission & arrange meeting with agent / developer as necessary

Appendix 3: Environment committee report

Waste management

Angus Murdoch, in charge of the waste management measures being implemented in the New Town, reveals that there is likely to be a considerable delay before the project is completed. While distribution of the gull proof bags is complete the TROs, which were advertised prior to siting of communal bins, have attracted a number of objections. As many of these objections focus on parking and therefore on transport as opposed to waste management issues, the Transport unit in the CEC is involved, apparently complicating matters. A request to go ahead with siting containers where the TROs have attracted no objections has been turned down – seems it has to be dealt with as a total package. The objectors have received a reply explaining reasons for the TROs with a deadline for response. If even one objector persists the whole shebang has to go to committee with a lead in time of at least two months. Effectively we seem to be stuck with black bags on some New Town pavements until at least the autumn.

City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership Environment Forum

Christine Ross represented the CC at a meeting of the Environment Forum on 2nd June. The focus was on green spaces with emphasis on community involvement but most of the discussion centred on the Old Town. The possibility that St Andrew Square Garden was being overused was noted.