Proposed footway expansion and segregated cycleways Broughton St to Canonmills

Email from Martyn Lings (on behalf of the Spaces for People Team) sent to all nominated stakeholders including NTBCC as well as local councillors (from the City Centre, Inverleith and Leith Walk wards) 

Dear Councillors and Stakeholders

Covid-19 Cycling and Walking Emergency Response Measures

Proposed footway expansion and segregated cycleways Broughton St to Canonmills

Please be advised that as part of overall emergency measures we are proposing, on Broughton Street running North to Canonmills, to re-designate key parts of the road network to help pedestrians and cyclists travel safely while meeting physical distancing requirements.

I have attached the proposed designs for the scheme. These show changes to the streets which, in summary, includes:

  • Introduction of sections of segregated cycleway and pedestrian buildouts on Broughton Street, Rodney Street, Bellevue and Canonmills.
  • Removal of one lane on approach to Broughton Roundabout from East and North.  Removal of railings and extension of pavements at NE, SE and SW corners.
  • Relocation of some loading to side streets off Broughton St and Rodney St (marked by double yellow lines (DYL)with single blips.
  • Some existing parking altered to blue badge parking only on Broughton St using DYL with single blips.
  • Additional restriction of parking at all times alongside the segregation at certain sections
  • Retention of blue badge parking along the route
  • Retention of existing bus stops
  • Removal of railings at Canonmills junction excluding pedestrian island and corner at Warriston Rd.

The plans showing the detailled proposals can be seen here  (7 sections covering the route from the Canonmills junction at Brandon Terrace, along Rodney Street,  Mansfield Place, Broughton Street, ending at Picardy Place).

If you have any comments relating to these proposals, please send them to by 1800hrs on Monday 22 March 2021.

All feedback will be reviewed and where possible the scheme will be further refined. Feedback will be summarised in an assessment feedback form which will be presented to the Council Incident Management Team for approval. Please note that we will be unable to respond to individual emails.

If the proposal is approved for implementation, publicity will then be undertaken so that local people are aware of the changes. A dedicated inbox will help us to manage any feedback around proposals –

The introduction of, or changes to, any restrictions will be implemented under emergency delegated decision-making powers using a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order.