NTBCC’s objection to RSO/21/08 and TRO/21/32

NTBCC’s transport convenor today emailed the following objection to these TROs which – if passed – would enable the ‘Meadows to George St’ plans.

Dear Traffic Orders Team

Objection to RSO/21/08 and TRO/21/32

The New Town and Broughton Community Council (NTBCC) has considered the above traffic orders and wishes to object to them for the following reasons:

  1. Hanover Street

It is proposed to introduce two one-way cycle lanes on either side of this street between George Street and Princes Street. It was stated that the use of two one-way cycle lanes was to align with the design of George Street but at a George Street and First New Town project briefing last year we were told that the design of Hanover Street had been set by the Meadows to George Street Project. Given the stated intent to introduce consistency in the design of public realm, it would appear that a two way cycle path would reduce pedestrian/cyclist interactions, remove the need for floating bus stops on one side of the street and allow more space to be retained/created for pedestrians.

Given that in the plans there is no route for south bound vehicles (other than buses, taxis, cycles and other traffic wanting to access Market Street) beyond Princes Street, Hanover Street is essentially a dead end for most traffic and therefore the need for traffic to turn around would seem to be an important but overlooked consideration. With the narrowing of the carriageway this will become much more difficult especially for larger commercial vehicles raising serious traffic management and road safety considerations. It is also proposed to reduce the number of bus stops on the street which given the number of services that are using this road will be a counterproductive measure in that it will increase congestion around bus stops. Continue reading

NTBCC meeting minutes 12 June 2023

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, at Broughton St Mary’s church, on Monday 12 June 2023 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

URLs have been added by the minutes secretary. Continue reading

NTBCC meeting minutes 10 April 2023

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, at Broughton St Mary’s church, on Monday 10 April 2023 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

URLs have been added by the minutes secretary. Continue reading

Edinburgh Council Communication on Proposed Changes to Residents’ Parking Permits

The New Town & Broughton Community Council is aware of a recent communication from Edinburgh Council that has been sent to existing Resident Permit Holders on proposed changes but the details contained in the communication are less than clear. The proposals relate to an (additional) surcharge for diesel vehicles and also changes to the use of Pay & Display bays by existing permit holders.  We are also aware of warning notices being placed on vehicles in several central zones highlighting the proposed changes. 

We are seeking more clarification on these proposals regarding which zones are impacted, when the new changes will come into force and the justification for these changes.

There are some additional details on these changes here.

Once we have more clarification, we will communicate both via our website and will also include this in our forthcoming meeting on Monday 8 May if further information is available at that time.

We’re making changes to parking permits in Edinburgh

Dear Permit Holder

We’re making some changes to our residents’ parking permits in May 2023.

You don’t need to do anything at this stage, as only new residents’ parking permit applications will be subject to the diesel surcharge.

However, please read the information below to find out more.

Our webpage will be updated regularly, including the exact go live date, so please continue to check back often at https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/dieselsurcharge

Here’s what’s changing


  • introducing a £50 annual surcharge (additional charge) on all new residents’ parking permit applications for diesel-fuelled vehicles.
  • withdrawing all out-of-date residents’ parking dispensations.

Residents’ permits for diesel vehicles

If you are an existing permit holder with a diesel vehicle, you will be exempt from the surcharge for the first three years. This will apply when you renew your permit on time for your current vehicle. The exemption will also apply if you move house but continue to stay within the Controlled Parking Zone or in a Priority Parking Area. However, please contact us before you make any changes to your permit via your online account so that we can ensure this process goes smoothly for you.

If you replace an existing diesel vehicle with another or switch to a new diesel vehicle, even within the three years grace period, the surcharge will apply.

All new applications will be subject to the diesel surcharge. Therefore, if you allow your permit to expire and need to compete a new application, even if you have not moved home or changed vehicle, the surcharge will apply.

If you are a disabled resident with a blue badge you are eligible for a free permit and for this reason you will be exempt from the diesel surcharge.

To find out more about the diesel surcharge, including the exact go live date and the pro-rata price for 3 and 6 month permits, please visit our website at https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/dieselsurcharge

Removal of permit holder dispensations

Over the years, several residents’ parking dispensations have been put in place to allow permit holders to park in other streets or zones in response to local circumstances.

The introduction of shared use parking places in 2021 increased the number and flexibility of parking places, allowing permit holders to park closer to their homes. Therefore, from 1 May 2023 we will remove all ad-hoc dispensation arrangements.

This includes the dispensation introduced in response to the Covid-19 pandemic which allowed valid resident permit holders in Central, Peripheral and Extended Parking Zones to park in pay and display parking places within their own zone.

More Information

For more information about parking please visit https://edinburgh.gov.uk/parking

Kind regards

The City of Edinburgh Council

NTBCC AGM minutes Monday 14 June 2021

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s AGM, held via Zoom, on Monday 14 June 2020 at 7pm

Edinburgh Council has stated that ‘CCs can approve minutes, and take other decisions, remotely’, as so long as they ensure that ‘remote meetings are as accessible to members of the public and (as) well-advertised as possible’.

Items 1 to 6 and item 8 were chaired by Carol Nimmo. Item 7 was chaired by Bruce Ryan.

Continue reading

NTBCC minutes Monday 10 May 2021

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, held via Zoom, on Monday 10 May 2020 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

Edinburgh Council has stated that ‘CCs can approve minutes, and take other decisions, remotely’, as so long as they ensure that ‘remote meetings are as accessible to members of the public and (as) well-advertised as possible’. Continue reading

Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting, 29 April 2021

**attempt 2 to post this legibly. If this doesn’t help, here’s a PDF of the original Word document**

Minutes of the Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting
(Construction Phase) via Google Meet on Thursday 29 April 2021 at 5:30pm Continue reading