NTBCC ordinary meeting minutes 9 October 2024

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, on Monday 14 October 2024 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

URLs have been added by the minutes secretary.

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NTBCC full agenda Monday 11 November 2024 and conveners’ reports received so far

This will be an online meeting: Monday 11 November at 7pm, via Zoom using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89896874952

The bracketed information shows the time allocated to each item.

Convenors’ reports will be added below the agenda as they are received.

    1. Welcome and apologies (5 minutes)
    2. Approval of minutes of October 2024 meeting and matters arising (5 minutes)
      1. PDF of draft minutes: 2024_10_14 draft V6
      2. matters arising from October meeting
Item Actor Action
4.b Cllr Mitchell Try to find a deputation to CEC planning about the impact of bollards conservation areas
4.b M Birch/P Williamson Compile a list of specific actions about the EWHT issues
4.d P Williamson Write an article for The Spurtle on the forthcoming CC elections
6.b Cllr Caldwell Share information on changes to STL licensing when possible
7.a R Price Put form relevant to amended RBS application on NTBCC website
  1. Chair’s report (5 minutes)
    1. Edinburgh World Heritage Site Management Plan Update
    2. Community Council Elections and Governance Update
  2. Planning (30 minutes)
    1. Presentation: Amended plans for the RBS site (24/04542/PAN) Ediston / Turley 
  3. Culture and communities matters (30 minutes)
    1. Presentation: Update on the George St and First New Town Project: problems, challenges and solutions – Jamie Robertson, CEC
    2. Report on Walkabout (First New Town) – (to discuss)
    3. Visitor Levy Consultation (closes 15.12.24) – to note/discuss
    4. Edinburgh Future Libraries Consultation (closes 18.12.24) – to note/discuss
  4. Planning matters continued (10 minutes)
    1. 24/05018/FUL Installation of BT Street Hub & removal of 4 kiosks on Dundas Street (to discuss)
    2. 24/05030/FUL Alterations / new /reinstated openings 25 Carlton Terrace Mews (to discuss)
    3. 24/04750/FUL 30-31 Princes St: Change of use of retail space to hotel use (to note)
    4. Other applications being assessed: Christmas Markets / ESF / McDonald Place (to note)
  5. Licensing matters (15 minutes)
    1. STL Evidence Session with Regulatory Committee (to note)
    2. Licensing Board/Forum meeting about Overprovision (to note)
    3. Unlawful use of unlicensed HMOs for homeless accommodation (to note)
    4. Current Applications including:
      1. Alcohol licensing – Variation 537555 for ESF outside the Omni, related to Planning 24/03724/FUL approved 6/11/24
      2. Civic licensing – STL 538256 at 10a Blenheim Place (EH7 5JH)
      3. Civic licensing – LHC ?????? at 6 Picardy Place (EH1 3JT)
      4. Civic licensing – HMO ?????? at 39-47 Albany Street (EH1 3QY)
  6. Transport and environment matters (10 minutes)
    1. Visit to Recycling Centre Report (to note)
    2. Transport & Environment Committee Meeting (18.11.24) Agenda (to note)
      1. Communal Bin Review
      2. Street Cleaning Petition
  7. Any other business (10 minutes)

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NTBCC ordinary meeting minutes 9 September 2024

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, via Zoom, on Monday 9 September 2024 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

URLs have been added by the minutes secretary. Continue reading

STL Licensing 2024 Consultation – NTBCC response October 2024

NTBCC submitted the following in response to the consultation at Short-Term Lets 2024 – City of Edinburgh Council – Citizen Space on 14 October 2024.


1 Your details

First name: New Town & Broughton
Surname: Community Council
Email address: licensing (at) ntbcc.org.uk
Yes, I consent to being contacted about this consultation: Yes

2 Who are you responding as?

NTBCC Licensing


3 Please give us your comments on the guidance on applying for a short-term let or exemption.

The guidance should make it clear that Temporary Exemptions may be granted for a period not exceeding 6 weeks in any period of 12 months; likewise for Temporary Licences.

The concept of temporary ‘exemption’ is misleading however. The guidance suggests that a STL licence isn’t required whereas exemption(s) refer to lighter requirements around obtaining a STL licence while the mandatory conditions still apply.

The concept of ‘secondary’ letting is misleading too. Secondary suggests that the property in question might not be the first one operating in that mode, which perhaps explains why some applicants are found to apply for Home Letting &/or Home Sharing instead of Secondary Letting in some instances?

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NTBCC full agenda Monday 14 October 2024 and conveners’ reports received so far

This will be an in-person meeting: Monday 14 September at 7pm, in the Drummond Room at Broughton St Mary’s Church on Bellevue Crescent.

The bracketed information shows the time allocated to each item.

Convenors’ reports will be added below the agenda as they are received.

  1. Welcome and apologies (5 minutes)
  2. Police report as received (10 minutes)
  3. Approval of minutes of September 2024 meeting and matters arising (NTBCC chair, 10 minutes)
    1. draft September minutes
    2. Actions from September minutes
Item Actor Action
2.b row 3 Cllr Caldwell Pursue reinstatement of bin posters and codes, and of all bins getting fullness-detectors
2.b row 4 Cllr Mowat Keep NTBCC informed of any progress with changes to CEC licensing software
2.b row 6 Cllr Caldwell Check whether Edinburgh Atlas shows land that might suit ‘right to grow’
3.b M Birch Arrange a meeting to decide NTBCC’s response, including non-NTBCC members
4.a M Birch Share website responses about service 13 bus with CEC cllrs (done just after meeting)
4.a M Birch Post a link to the draft Princes St and Waverley Valley strategy on NTBCC’s website
4.a M Birch If necessary, make a verbal deputation about George St to TEC.
4.a Cllr Mowat Take up with CEC officers the example of the New Room tables and chairs on Leith St
4.b M Birch At the bin-hub workshop, suggest that cleanliness and maintenance are part of amenity, as well as effective pavement widths
4.c Cllr Caldwell Report back from a meeting this week with the trams team about Annandale St issues
5.b R Price Submit comment about ESF food-truck application requesting temporary permission is given
5.e R Price Add a link to Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy forthcoming consultation to the website
6.b Cllr Mowat Attempt to find if there is a cap to the overall duration of temporary licenses
9 B Ryan Circulate information about LeithChooses
    1. Chair’s report (20 minutes)
      1. Edinburgh World Heritage Trust governance update
      2. Edinburgh World Heritage Site management plan update
      3. Visitor Levy for Edinburgh consultation (closes 15.12.24) – to note/discuss
      4. Community council elections and governance update
    2. Culture and communities matters (15 minutes)
      1. Edinburgh Future Libraries  Strategy consultation (closes 18.12.24) – to note/discuss
      2. Planned walkabout (First New Town) – 28 October 2024
    3. Licensing matters
      1. Short Term Lets (Licencing) consultation  (closes 14.10.24) – to note NTBCC submission
    4. Planning update (15 minutes)
      1. Update on amended RBS application (learnings from 8 October event & community engagement).
      2. Other recent planning applications of note
      3. Royal High School Preservation Trust survey – to note
    5. Transport and environment matters (15 minutes)
      1. Trams to Newhaven – Road safety audit and defect resolution update
      2. Transport and Environment committee meeting (10 October 2024) update
      3. Communal bin review – residential amenity workshop – feedback
      4. Experimental traffic orders (London Road) – to note/discuss draft objection
    6. Councillors’ reports (10 minutes)
    7. Any other business (10 minutes)

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NTBCC full agenda Monday 9 September 2024 and conveners’ reports received so far

This will be an online meeting : Monday 9 September via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81224803596?pwd=IjzbMuOr017EzHSc4qbeNiv7SzkkbO.1

The parentheses show the time allocated to each item.

Convenors’ reports received so far are below the agenda.

  1. Welcome and apologies – S Holledge (5 minutes)
  2. Approval of minutes of August 2024 meeting and matters arising – S Holledge (10 minutes)
  3. Chair’s report – S Holledge (10 minutes)
    a.  Community Council Elections Update
    b.  Edinburgh World Heritage Trust Update
  4. Transport and environment matters – M Birch (25 minutes)
    1. Transport and environment committee meeting agenda – 12 September 2024
    2. Communal Bin Review – residential amenity workshop – 16 September 2024
    3. East London Street traffic – Green Street workshop – Annandale Street Closure
    4. Number 13 Bus Service – Outcome of NTBCC Website Post
    5. Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders  – NTBCC Response
  5. Planning update – K Lochrie/R Price/A Gaillard/S Hajducki (30 minutes)
    1. Forthcoming PAN on changes to approved scheme for the former RBS site (details TBA)
    2. Current applications at Calton Square / Leith Street incl. ESF proposal (24/03724/FUL)
    3. Update on applications at 1 Gayfield Square
    4. Recent decision at 40 London St (23/06869/FUL)
    5. Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy: Forthcoming Consultation
    6. Consultations Update: Developer Contributions (closes 17 September), update to Development Plan Scheme (City Plan 2030) & forthcoming consultations (Edinburgh Design Guidance, Listed Building & Conservation Areas & Guidance for Householders),
    7. Conservation and Adaptation  initiative update (Appendix 3 : Business Bulletin)
  6. Licensing matters – A Gaillard (10 minutes)
    1. Consultation on STL licensing – Closes 14 October
  7. Culture and communities matters – S Holledge (5 minutes)
    1. Planned walkabout – First New Town – 28 October 2024
  8. Councillors’ reports (10 minutes)
  9. Any other business (10 minutes)

Convenors’ reports

NTBCC Transport & Environment Committee Update – September 2024

Planning ( to be added)

NTBCC Licensing Report – September 2024

NTBCC full agenda Monday 12 August 2024 and conveners’ reports received so far

This will be an in-person meeting: Monday 12 August at 7pm, in the Drummond Room at Broughton St Mary’s Church on Bellevue Crescent.

The bracketed information shows who will report and/or lead each discussion, and the time for each item.

Convenors’ reports received so far are below the agenda.

  1. Welcome and apologies (NTBCC chair, 5 minutes)
  2. Police report as received (police representatives, 10 minutes)
  3. Filming in Drummond Place/Bellevue Crescent for Debutante Series 2 (Mitch Bellgreen – Location Manager, 15 minutes)
  4. Approval of minutes of June 2024 meeting and matters arising (NTBCC chair, 10 minutes)
    1. draft June minutes
    2. Actions from June minutes
    Item Actor Action
    3.e Cllr Caldwell Ask CEC to add report-line phone numbers and/or QR codes to bins
    3.e P Williamson Remind Edinburgh World Heritage Trust that NTBCC has heard nothing since the management plan report
    3.f Cllrs Mowat, Caldwell Chase for updates on changes to CEC licensing software
    5 B Ryan Enable new office-bearers to access relevant email accounts
  1. Review of draft minutes of the 2024 AGM (NTBCC chair,  5 minutes)
  2. Chair’s report (NTBCC chair, 15 minutes)
    • Council’s Community Council Scheme and Boundary Review 2023
    • Campaign of the Canonmills Owners’ and Residents’ Association
    • Update on NTBCC roles and responsibilities.
  3. Planning update (NTBCC planning committee, 15 minutes)
    • Approval of Old Royal High School planning application (24/01804/FUL)
    • Marshall’s Court planning application (24/02959/FULSTL) – NTBCC Representation
    • Henderson Place planning application (24/02964/FUL) – NTBCC comments
  4. Licencing matters (NTBCC licensing convenor, 10 minutes)
    • Consultation on STL Licencing – future NTBCC response
  5. Culture and Communities matters (NTBCC C&C convenor, 5 minutes)
    • Report on Culture and Communities Committee Meeting – 8 August 2024
    • Firework control zones (See consultations on proposed city-wide and Calton Hill FCZs.)
  6. Transport and Environment matters (NTBCC transport and environment convenor, 10 minutes)
    • Update on implementation of LEZ
    • Transport and Environment Committee Meeting Agenda – 15 August 2024
    • Communal Bin Review – residential amenity workshop – 16 September 2024
    • East London Street Traffic – Green Street workshop – TBA
    • Street cleansing report
  7. Councillors’ reports (5 minutes)
  8. Any other business (5 minutes)

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