NTBCC ordinary meeting minutes 13 May 2024

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s meeting, online via Zoom, on Monday 13 May 2024 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

URLs have been added by the minutes secretary. Continue reading

NTBCC’s objection to RSO/21/08 and TRO/21/32

NTBCC’s transport convenor today emailed the following objection to these TROs which – if passed – would enable the ‘Meadows to George St’ plans.

Dear Traffic Orders Team

Objection to RSO/21/08 and TRO/21/32

The New Town and Broughton Community Council (NTBCC) has considered the above traffic orders and wishes to object to them for the following reasons:

  1. Hanover Street

It is proposed to introduce two one-way cycle lanes on either side of this street between George Street and Princes Street. It was stated that the use of two one-way cycle lanes was to align with the design of George Street but at a George Street and First New Town project briefing last year we were told that the design of Hanover Street had been set by the Meadows to George Street Project. Given the stated intent to introduce consistency in the design of public realm, it would appear that a two way cycle path would reduce pedestrian/cyclist interactions, remove the need for floating bus stops on one side of the street and allow more space to be retained/created for pedestrians.

Given that in the plans there is no route for south bound vehicles (other than buses, taxis, cycles and other traffic wanting to access Market Street) beyond Princes Street, Hanover Street is essentially a dead end for most traffic and therefore the need for traffic to turn around would seem to be an important but overlooked consideration. With the narrowing of the carriageway this will become much more difficult especially for larger commercial vehicles raising serious traffic management and road safety considerations. It is also proposed to reduce the number of bus stops on the street which given the number of services that are using this road will be a counterproductive measure in that it will increase congestion around bus stops. Continue reading

Meadows to George Street presentation/discussion at NTBCC meeting (13 May, 7pm, via Zoom)

There will be a presentation and discussion at the meeting of the Town & Broughton Community Council  on Monday 13 May 2024 on the City Council’s proposals for major changes to the transport corridor from the Meadows to George Street. 

If you are attending the meeting (which is happening virtually by Zoom (https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84227025876?pwd=B6xb8yGjJFbBuEhsFRTaaPnlxbMPlK.1)) or simply wish to know more about what is proposed, the following attachment offers information on the project provided by the City Council:
The Meadows to George Street proposals have generated much interest and concern in our local area. This is particularly  linked to the displacement effect of the closure to cars and commercial vehicles of a number of main arterial roads in the City Centre.

NTBCC full agenda Monday 13 May 2024 and conveners’ reports received so far

This will be an online meeting via Zoom: Monday 13 May at 7pm. Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84227025876?pwd=B6xb8yGjJFbBuEhsFRTaaPnlxbMPlK.1.

  1. Admin/welcome
  2. Minutes of 8th April 2024 meeting and matters arising
  3. Chair’s update
    • Edinburgh World Heritage Site Management Plan
    • Canonmills Owners And Residents Association
  4. Presentation on the Meadows to George Street TRO Engagement Stage
    Paul Matthews of AECOM and Martyn Lings from City of Edinburgh Council
  5. Transport (convener’s report)
    • Update on LEZ following meeting  with CEC Transport staff
    • Agree response to Meadows to George Street TRO
    • Status of Rose Street repairs
    • Change to Airport bus routes/future of bus station
  6. Licensing (convener’s report)
    • Supplementary Statement of Licensing Policy: ‘Overprovision’ – consultation closes 13 May 2024
    • Beltane Fire Festival on 30th April – queue management
  7. Planning (convener’s report)
    • 37 Broughton Pl, Broughton Hotel, internal and external alterations comments by 17/05 – 24/01498/FUL
    • Royal High School, conversion to music center, comments by 17/05 – 24/01804/FUL
    • Blenheim Place, new house on ‘greenfield’ site, comments by 31/05 – 24/01889/FUL
    • Note for information, the increasing number of applicants looking to install slimline double glazing
  8. Environment (convener’s report)
    • Overflowing bins in New Town
    • Communal Bin Review, Phase 5, Area A
  9. Culture and Communities (convener’s report)
    • Briefing on City of Edinburgh Council Culture and Communities Committee forthcoming meeting on 16 May
  10. Councillors’ reports
  11. Any other business, including news from local Residents’ Associations and points raised by members of public

Continue reading

NTBCC minutes Monday 8 March 2021

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, held via Zoom, on Monday 8 March 2021 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

Edinburgh Council has stated that ‘CCs can approve minutes, and take other decisions, remotely’, as so long as they ensure that ‘remote meetings are as accessible to members of the public and (as) well-advertised as possible’. Continue reading

NTBCC minutes – Monday 10 June 2019

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, held in Drummond Room, Broughton St Mary’s church, Bellevue Crescent on Monday 10 June 2019 at 7.30pm

Actions and decisions are red italic underlined. nem con means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision. Continue reading

Meadows to George Street progress update

(adapted from an email from AECOM)

I write to offer you a brief progress update on the City of Edinburgh Council Community Links Plus project, Meadows to George Street: Streets for People. Our first stage of engagement is now at an end and we would like to thank everyone who has offered their views and perspectives so far. Some of the initial key messages we have received to date are:

  • Wider pavements requested to cope with the volumes of pedestrians
  • Better and safer pedestrian crossing opportunities
  • Cycling provision that is separate from motor traffic and pedestrians
  • Rationalise/remove street clutter which can cause issues during busy periods
  • Access for ALL must guide the project proposals
  • Visitors observed how busy the streets were, particularly with road traffic

You can find more detail about what we did and what we’ve learned on the project webpage here. Our next update will be linked to the forthcoming stage of consultation on initial concept designs for the project.

Please ear in mind you can also sign up for updates on the project webpage above at any time.

Deborah Paton TPP MRTPI MTPS
Associate Director, Transport Planning
D +44-131 301 8756

1 Tanfield, Edinburgh
EH3 5DA, United Kingdom.