Update : new Local Development Plan : ‘City Plan 2030’

Email as received from Edinburgh Council’s Development Planning Programme Manager regarding the forthcoming adoption of the next Local Development Plan. This, along with NPF4 (National Planning Framework), will be the key document for determination of future planning applications.

City Plan 2030 Update

We are pleased to announce that we have received confirmation from the Scottish Government that the Council may proceed to adopt City Plan 2030 subject to modifications. You can see the Scottish Government letter here.

The modifications are principally minor amendments with the most notable change being an additional criterion for Policy Hou 3 Mixed Communities in relation to addressing local housing priorities by meeting identified gaps in provision.

Before we can adopt City Plan 2030, there are two final statutory stages:

  • Planning Committee on 23 October 2024
  • Full Council on 7 November 2024

We expect City Plan 2030 to be adopted as our local development plan on 8 November 2024. We will provide a further update to confirm this.

Lynne McMenemy I Development Planning Programme Manager I Development Planning I Planning and Building Standards | Sustainable Development I PLACE Directorate | The City of Edinburgh Council | Waverley Court, 2.4, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG email: cityplan2030@edinburgh.gov.uk

You can access our services at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/planning-building  and follow the Planning Edinburgh blog for updates on our service.


Planned Works on Dublin Street / Dublin Meuse & Associated Road Closure

The following is adapted from an email sent to us from Scottish Water covering proposed work on the upper stretch of Dublin Street / Dublin Meuse to repair a collapsed sewer. The work is planned to start on Tuesday 2nd April & last for 8 weeks.  

Dear Stakeholder, 
I am writing to inform you that Scottish Water will be carrying out a sewer repair on Dublin Meuse, Edinburgh,
this work is to repair a collapsed sewer between two manholes (see the map below – the grey dots are the manholes) which is leaking and creating a sinkhole.
Work will start at Dublin Meuse on Tuesday 2nd April and will last approximately 8 weeks.
There will be a road closure on Dublin St. No vehicles access will be permitted and parking will be suspended within the closure for the duration of works. Pedestrian footpaths will remain open and access to local business will remain but we ask pedestrians to follow the signage.
The attached letter went out on Mar 13th as advanced Start on Site (SoS) Notice and another yesterday.
We thank those affected for their patience and understanding while we carry out this essential work.
If you could please share this message with your constituents, that would be appreciated.
Denni Kinnear
Corporate Affairs Officer
Scottish Water

Responsible Construction (Short Life) Working Group

NTBCC frequently receive emails from local residents outlining concerns in response to planning applications regarding the impact of the (often extended) construction activity for new developments on nearby residents – be this in relation to impact on residential amenity (e.g. noise, air quality from demolition activities etc.) and / or impacts on the road network from construction activities amongst others.

Although we have frequently submitted representations outlining these concerns and whilst there is an expectation for developers to adhere to good working practices in relation to their neighbours, we are constantly reminded by the Council that planning controls over construction are limited  and not a material consideration for planning applications – however, the Council does have some powers to ensure adverse impacts of construction are mitigated in relation to noise, residential amenity, controlling the hours of working as well as impacts on the road network.

Following a Motion in June 2023 raising this issue specifically in relation to Haymarket Square construction, Edinburgh Council agreed an adjusted motion. In the subsequent report in response to this Motion, it was agreed that the Planning Committee would consider any additional controls or amendments to permissions which would help to reduce the impact of construction work to nearby residents for all new developments and to establish a more neighbour-friendly pattern of working for major construction and other active sites.

Furthermore, Council agreed that officers would explore the possibility of improving the information held on the Council website so that residents could better understand what controls the Council did have and who to contact if they had concerns and also agreed to establish a short-life working group, consisting of representatives from communities affected by construction, representatives of developers and/or the construction industry and relevant council officers, to consider options to encourage more responsible construction.

We are pleased that this Short Life Working Group (‘Working Group’) has now been set up and NTBCC, along with several other community councils have been invited to participate in a wider discussion on this.

The Working Group will consider options to encourage more responsible construction, and review ways in which to mitigate potential impacts associated with construction on the amenity of those within communities across Edinburgh. The subsequent follow-up report can be found here. Details of the proposed membership of the Working Group and remit can be found in Appendix 2.

The first meeting of the Working Group is scheduled for Friday March 1st.

Whilst NTBCC is aware of many of the issues raised by local residents, if there are specific concerns that residents would like us to raise, then please let us know via the NTBCC website Contact page.

‘Statutory’ agenda for NTBCC meeting on Monday 13 November (BY ZOOM)

The next NTBCC public meeting will be held on Monday 13 November and consistent with our adopted protocol, will be via Zoom.

The Zoom link as well as the detailed agenda for this meeting will be published in due course, but for now here is the ‘statutory’/framework agenda.

  1. Welcome, introductions and apologies
  2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting (9 October 2023) : AGM and Ordinary meeting
  3. Matters arising
  4. Policing matters
  5. Transport
  6. Licensing
  7. Culture & Communities
  8. Environment
  9. Engagement / Communications
  10. Planning
  11. Councillor’s reports
  12. Open Forum (for residents to raise any concerns)
  13. AOCB

Bellevue Crescent – ‘Amenity Ground’ in front of Broughton St Marys Church

NTBCC were aware of the works carried out by SGN here in support of the new St James Quarter about 5 years ago. These works involved installing a new high pressure gas main from Dundas Street, along Great King Street, Drummond Place, Scotland Street and then running along East Scotland Street Lane to tie in with the existing main in the roadway at Bellevue Place which then would supply the increased demand for the new St James Quarter development.

This necessitated works in the parking area in front of Broughton St Mary’s Church (an A listed building) to install a governor (let-down valve) and other associated equipment which resulted in the raised, kerbed, plinth being there, covered in non-heritage brick paviors as well as other equipment e.g. a high level vent. Continue reading

‘Statutory’/Framework agenda for 11 September NTBCC meeting (by Zoom)

In accordance with our adopted position (alternating between In Person & Virtual meetings), this will be a virtual (by Zoom) meeting. To join the meeting – please access via the following link


Passcode: Calton

The detailed agenda will be published later this week, but for now here is the ‘statutory’/framework agenda.

  1. Welcome, introductions & apologies
  2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting (14 August 2023)
  3. Matters arising
  4. Policing matters
  5. Planning
  6. Culture & Communities ( incl. George Street)
  7. Environment
  8. Transport
  9. Licensing
  10. Councillor’s reports
  11. AGM
  12. Open Forum (for residents to raise any concerns)
  13. AOCB

Along with the detailed agenda, some committee conveners’ reports will be available with links to specific discussion items.

Communal Bin Roll-Out : Off street Developments in the Broughton area

Email to NTBCC with further information regarding the Communal Bin roll-out in the N1 Parking area for off-street developments. It includes removal where necessary of the paper (‘Fibre’) blue-lidded bins such that future paper recycling is contained within the Dry Mixed Recycling (green-lidded) bins. 

COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW –– Off street developments – Broughton area

We are continuing the roll out of the communal bin review improving and enhancing recycling facility available to properties in developments. At off street developments, as the ones listed below, bins are stored in bin stores or bin areas and are not on-street. These off street developments are all different and different arrangements will be made to these sites i.e. some of them just required updated stickers, some of them needed a food waste bin or a glass bin and some others needed the paper bin to be changed into mixed recycling. This is to improve and increase the access to recycling facilities for these residents.

We are ensuring the signage on the bins is updated and/or the appropriate number of bins for non-recyclable waste, mixed recycling, glass and food waste are provided to residents at:

  • Powderhall
  • Hatters Lane
  • 70-72 Logie Green Road
  • 82-84 Logie Green Road/ 9 Warriston Road
  • 73 Logie Green Road
  • 10-12 Warriston Road, 75 Logie Green Road
  • Boat Green
  • 5 Warriston Road
  • 29-31 Beaverbank Place
  • 10-17 Beaverbank Place
  • 2-6 Stoddart Way
  • 154 McDonald Road
  • Claremont Court
  • 21 Dunedin Street
  • 4-6 Papermill Wynd
  • 1-3 Papermill Wynd
  • 121-127 Bellevue Road
  • 16 Hopetoun Street
  • 4 Hopetoun Street
  • 2B Hopetoun Street
  • 15-29 Hopetoun Street
  • 40-50 Annandale Street
  • 10-11 Hopetoun Crescent
  • 6 McDonald Road

Within the next few days, each resident will receive a letter with a guide enclosed which includes the relevant information about the updated service.

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