IMPACT Scotland present their latest proposals at NTBCC’s June meeting

The International Music and Performing Arts Charitable Trust (IMPACT) Scotland was formed in 2016 and is responsible for the construction and operation of The IMPACT Centre supported by the Royal Bank of Scotland, a new all-purpose performance venue in Edinburgh’s St Andrew Square.

The IMPACT Centre will sit behind Dundas House, 36 St Andrew Square, the listed 1774 home of Sir Lawrence Dundas – which in 1825 became part of the Royal Bank of Scotland estate.

This proposed new venue will offer a 1,000 seat auditorium, 200 seat studio doubling as a rehearsal / recording space and an all-day atrium, cafe and bar. The IMPACT Centre will create a new home for the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, a world-class space for the Edinburgh International Festival and is intended to be a year-round arts destination for performers, audiences and the wider community.

We look forward to hearing how these applications have been informed by the previous Public Consultations held in November 2017 & March 2018.

More background on the project, aspirations and the organisation on their website including copies of the Exhibition boards (

Their intention is to submit a series of applications to Edinburgh Council later in 2018 to bring forward the music venue proposals. The scope of the applications is currently being finalised but they’re expected to include :

  1. A full detailed planning application (Major) for the new concert and performing arts venue and associated works including new public realm;
  2. Listed building consent applications for removal of the rear 1960s office block and internal and external alterations to 36 St Andrew Square; as well as external works and downtakings to the garden area at the rear of 35 St Andrew Square; and
  3. A Conservation Area Consent application for the demolition of a non-listed ancillary structure at the rear of the site.

We also note that a Stage 1 Tender for “Construction of a new build music and performing arts venue adjoining the Listed Dundas House on St Andrew Square” has been issued on 11 June.

To give an idea of the proposal, a few images from the March event………………..

Aerial View from north-west

Aerial view from west (across St Andrews square)