Licensing Board Supplementary Policy Consultation, Overprovision – NTBCC response May 2024

NTBCC submitted the following in response to the consultation at Overprovision of Licensed Premises – City of Edinburgh Council – Citizen Space on 13 May 2024.


1 Your details

First name: New Town & Broughton
Surname: Community Council
Email address: licensing (at)
Yes, I consent to being contacted about this consultation: Yes

2 Who are you responding as?

I am responding on behalf of an organisation

Organisation details

3 Organisation name & type:

NTBCC Licensing

Community group or organisation

Overprovision of licenced premises

4 Do you think the council should continue to have areas of overprovision or should they be removed entirely?

Yes, it’s right to have areas of overprovision

5 Do you think there should continue to be overprovision of licensed premises in any of the localities designated by the Board as being subject to overprovision in its 2018 assessment?

Old Town, Princes Street and Leith Street:
Yes, should continue to be an area of overprovision

Yes, should continue to be an area of overprovision

Deans Village (covering the Dean Village area):
Yes, should continue to be an area of overprovision

Southside, Canongate and Dumbiedykes:
Yes, should continue to be an area of overprovision

If you answered yes to any – does your answer relate to all licensed premises or licensed premises of a particular type, e.g. pubs, restaurants, hotels, convenience stores, supermarkets, entertainment venues, or something other?:

Typically those contributing to the Night Time Economy (NTE) when in mixed use areas or  neighbouring residential areas, where patrons tend to be visitors and spill out into the streets and indulge in anti-social behaviour which become the responsibility of public services to manage – e.g. Police and NHS – as opposed to overnight guests, where anti-social behaviour would more likely be contained indoors while also remaining the responsibility of the hosting establishment to manage.

6 Thinking about the licensing objectives, please explain your answer to Q5.

The presumption against grant in an area of overprovision has led to higher standards for any business seeking to trade or vary their operations. While each and every application tend to be approved, it has been through healthy scrutiny by the current Licensing Board.

We support this process and believe that it should continue, especially in mixed use areas.

7 Are there areas/localities that you would like to see added to our areas of overprovision? If yes, please either describe the area or provide a postcode.

Yes – Leith and Leith Walk

Please explain your answer to Q7.

The presumption against grant in an area of overprovision has led to higher standards for any business seeking to trade or vary their operations. While each and every application tend to be approved, it has been through healthy scrutiny by the current Licensing Board.

We support this process and believe that it should be extended to densely populated and mixed use areas, such as Leith and Leith Walk.