NTBCC AGM minutes 9 October 2023

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s AGM, at Broughton St Mary’s church, on Monday 9 October 2023 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

URLs have been added by the minutes secretary.

1 Welcome, introduction and apologies

1.a Attendance

Mike Birch NTBCC Jack Hugh NTBCC Cllr Jack Caldwell Leith Walk ward
Annick Gaillard NTBCC Stewart Mills NTBCC Cllr Margaret Graham City Centre ward
Laura Graham NTBCC Richard Price NTBCC Cllr Finlay McFarlane City Centre ward
Stephen Hajducki NTBCC Nick Reid NTBCC Cllr Jo Mowat City Centre ward
Deirdre Henderson NTBCC Peter Williamson NTBCC Alan McIntosh Broughton Spurtle
Simon Holledge NTBCC Bruce Ryan Minutes secretary ~16 residents/visitors

1.b Apologies

Carol Nimmo NTBCC Cllr Jule Bandel Inverleith ward Ben Macpherson MSP Edinburgh Northern and Leith
David Renton NTBCC Cllr Max Mitchell Inverleith ward Deidre Brock MP Edinburgh North and Leith
Alan Welsh NTBCC Cllr Hal Osler Inverleith ward Cllr Hal Osler Inverleith ward

2 Submission & adoption of 13 June 2022 AGM minutes as previously approved

Adopted as-is ND

3 Chair’s annual report summary (covering June 2022 – October 2023)

See NTBCC annual report.

3.a Additional points made during verbal presentations

  • Chair: NTBCC has been involved, among other issues, with George St design and operation, Royal High School, East London St and buses, tram-works, Picardy Place, Edinburgh licensing forum, Edinburgh Christmas and Hogmanay.
  • Chair: NTBCC is very grateful for the continued attendance of City Centre, Leith Walk and Inverleith ward councillors, enabling them to inform NTBCC and its residents, and the latter to directly question the councillors.
  • Chair: NTBCC now has a member representing Moray Neighborhood Association.

4 Treasurer’s report and annual accounts

Adopted as-is ND

5 Demit of current office bearers, election of office bearers

This item was chaired by Bruce Ryan.

Role Nominee(s) Proposer(s) Seconders Result
Chair P Williamson S Holledge S Hajducki Williamson elected
Secretary L Graham P Williamson R Price Graham elected
Treasurer M Birch R Price L Graham Birch elected
Engagement officer S Holledge D Henderson A Gaillard Holledge elected
Vicechair none

C Nimmo and R Price were thanked for their hard work as chair and vicechair over the previous years.

There was discussion of how the public can contact office-bearers and convenors.

6 Dates, times and venue of future ordinary meetings and the next AGM

This and all subsequent items were chaired by Peter Williamson.

  • Ordinary meetings on 2nd Monday each month, alternating hybrid/in-person at Broughton St Mary’s, 7pm.
    • Action: NTBCC to consider changing to another venue at its next business meeting
  • The date of the 2024 AGM depends on when CC elections will take place, but will probably be in October 2024.

7 Close of AGM