Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s AGM, held via Zoom, on Monday 12 October 2020 at 7pm
Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.
Edinburgh Council has clearly stated that online AGMs are acceptable under the current coronavirus restrictions.
Technology check
The meeting opened online at 6:45 pm to enable all attendees to connect before the start of business.
1 Attendance/apologies for absence
1.a Attendance
Mike Birch | NTBCC, RRCTMA | Carol Nimmo | NTBCC |
David Clarke | NTBCC | Richard Price | NTBCC |
Jonathan Finn | NTBCC | Nicholas Reid | NTBCC, India St Association |
Laura Graham | NTBCC | Sheila Warnock | NTBCC, Great King St RA |
Stephen Hajducki | NTBCC | Peter Williamson | NTBCC, Picardy Residents |
Deirdre Henderson | NTBCC | Bruce Ryan | Minutes secretary |
Simon Holledge | NTBCC | Alan McIntosh | Broughton Spurtle |
Jack Hugh | NTBCC, | Cllr Jo Mowat | City centre ward |
Susan MacInnes | NTBCC | Cllr Hal Osler | Inverleith ward |
Stuart McAllister | NTBCC | 9 residents/visitors |
1.b Apologies for absence
Susanna Beaumont | NTBCC | James Kilner | NTBCC |
Susan Duff | NTBCC | Deidre Brock MP | Edinburgh North and Leith |
2 Approval of 2019 AGM Minutes
Approved subject to correction of very minor typos (proposed D Clarke, seconded P Williamson, ND)
3 Chair’s report summary
See full report in the Annual Accounts as distributed previously. The chair noted
- In May, NTBCC met virtually for the first time using Zoom. This is now NTBCC’s 5th virtual meeting. Given current guidance, there are likely to be more.
- Monthly meetings are arguably the smallest part of NTBCC’s work – there is much else, including much engagement with consultations, including those on City Mobility Plan and the Local Development Plan (‘Choices for City Plan 2030’). There were many such consultations.
- A ‘new’ NTBCC was formed in October, following ‘pretty shambolic’ running of CC elections by CEC, with a full complement of members, including 4 new members and 4 new representatives from local interest groups.
- Work immediately began on issues around Princes St gardens, e.g. tree-cutting, Xmas market, Quaich Project etc NTBCC is now collaborating with 4 other city-centre CCs and the Cockburn Association
- The chair welcomed N Reid as the new representative of India St Association, and thanked A Jack for his previous work.
- The chair thanked all NTBCC members for their work leading to consensus on submissions. She looks forward to continuing to improve engagement with residents, and thanked S Holledge for his work on this. She thanked B Ryan for minutes and technical support, and R Price for his work as secretary and support of her as chair.
The report was approved (proposed R Price, seconded L Graham).
4 Treasurer’s Report
See full report in the Annual Accounts as distributed previously. The treasurer noted
- NTBCC runs on a budget of ~£1000 per year, thanks to members’ voluntary work and not charging NTBCC for expenses.
- Significant costs include minutes secretary (£450 in 2019/20), venue-hire (£360, but £300 extra grant covered most of this); advertising costs were lower than previous years. Venue-hire in 2020/21 should be reduced due to online meetings, but may well increase when in-person meetings resume. NTBCC has sufficient reserves for a couple of years.
The report was approved (proposed D Henderson, seconded L Graham).
The full set of accounts was approved (proposed M Birch, seconded D Henderson).
5 Engagement report
The chair noted that S Holledge is now secretary of Edinburgh Association of Community Councils, and looked forward to EACC hence becoming more dynamic. She commended SH’s work on NTBCC’s Engagement Report.
6 Election of Office Bearers
There were no other candidates. All candidates accepted their nominations and were thus duly elected.
Role | Candidate | Nominator | Seconder |
Chair | C Nimmo | R Price | S Holledge |
Secretary | L Graham | S Holledge | J Finn |
Treasurer | R Price | C Nimmo | D Henderson |
Engagement officer | S Holledge | C Nimmo | R Price |
Action: NTBCC to appoint vice-chair, convenors, tweeter(s) etc at the subsequent NTBCC business meeting on 19 October.
NB some changes were made at the business meeting:
- R Price became Vicechair
- M Birch became Treasurer.
7 Any other business