NTBCC minutes Monday 13 September 2021

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, held via Zoom, on Monday 13 September 2021 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

1 Technology check

2 Welcome/Admin/Apologies/Well-being

2.a Attendance

David Clarke NTBCC Alan Welsh NTBCC
Annick Gaillard NTBCC Peter Williamson NTBCC, Picardy Residents
Stephen Hajducki NTBCC Alan McIntosh Broughton Spurtle
Deirdre Henderson NTBCC Cllr Gavin Barrie Inverleith ward
Carol Nimmo NTBCC Cllr Amy McNeese-Mechan Leith Walk ward
Jack Hugh NTBCC Cllr Max Mitchell Inverleith ward
Ken Lochrie NTBCC, DCA Cllr Jo Mowat City Centre ward
Susan Macinnes NTBCC Cllr Hal Osler Inverleith ward
Richard Price NTBCC Foysol Choudhury MSP Lothians region
~13 residents/visitors. Special mention for the 2 Drummond Community High School pupils that attended

2.b Apologies for absence

Susan Duff NTBCC Cllr Karen Doran City centre ward
Laura Graham NTBCC Cllr Claire Miller City Centre ward
Simon Holledge NTBCC / EACC Cllr Rob Munn Leith Walk ward
David Renton NTBCC Cllr Alasdair Rankin City Centre ward
Bruce Ryan Minutes secretary Deidre Brock MP Edinburgh North and Leith

3 Minutes of 9 August meeting, and matters arising

  • Approved (subject to correcting date from 2020 to 2021), proposed M Birch , seconded N Reid, ND)

Agreed actions completed except Item 6.b., where it was agreed not to submit further deputation for SfP item & Item 8, where it was decided to put relevant licensing material on NTBCC website.

4 Police report

See text of report in Appendix 1 (as received prior to the meeting but not circulated) or online PDF at http://www.ntbcc.org.uk/here2/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Police-Newsletter-New-Town-and-Broughton-Community-Council-September-2021.pdf

Following comments from the August NTBCC meeting that the report (Newsletter) was too general with some comments not relevant to NTBCC’s area, and that it did not mention a several significant recent incidents as reported in the local media, NTBCC fed back to PC Arron Stewart from Police Scotland & NTBCC received a very helpful response to the points / concerns raised from Sargent Cameron Walker thanking NTBCC for their comments and undertook to revise the content in future newsletters in line with NTBCC’s comments.

  • Action : NTBCC to continue to monotor content / relevance for NTBCC’s residents and feedback as necessary.

5 Planning

5.a Presentation by IMPACT Scotland on amended plans for the Dunard Centre behind Dundas House at St Andrew Square (18/04657/FUL).

Those present were Joanna Baker, Executive Director IMPACT Scotland (JB); Elaine Ravenscroft, Director of Communications, IMPACT Scotland (ER); Julia Loughnane, David Chipperfield Architects (DCA); John Tavendale, Project Director Turner Townsend (JT); Angus Wilson, Reiach & Hall Architects (AW); Robert Evans, Ryden Planning.

JB gave an overview of the project

  • 1000 seat capacity concert hall retained in revised building but studio / rehearsal space in the subterranean basement has been removed due to the reduced building height available.
  • However, volume continues to rise above the local context (Dundas House) with building remaining on North-South axis – presenting a uniform aspect when viewed from George Street.
  • Significant effort expended to retain permeability with routes from St Andrew Square, Register Lane and Elder Street.
  • Main entrance positioned at southern end with majority of servicing from St Andrew square (using a double height loading bay at the north end of the building). Further separate (secondary) entrance at rear of building close to Elder Street cut-through.
  • In terms of proposed materials – similar to previous approved scheme (pre-cast concrete panels with toned palette to blend the façade with surrounding buildings) and with a simple cornicing (replacing the previous domed roof).
  • Uniform hard landscaping materials throughout (Scottish whinstone cobbles) to provide continuity throughout the new development.
  • Proposed uplighters to Dundas House façade.
  • Main hall acoustics suitable for classical / contemporary as well as spoken word.

In summary, the redesigned building will house:

  • 1000 capacity auditorium with the capacity for live streaming, digital capture and broadcasting
  • Flexible multi-purpose rooms for education, conferencing and hospitality
  • Foyer with informal opportunity for performance
  • Café/bar with indoor and outdoor seating

5.a.i Questions

  • Can you comment on the buildings resilience to climate change (landscaping, permeability of the site given that it is largely paved)?
    • Hard landscaping designed for maximum permeability, it was stated that the modelling showed that the building could handle expected rainfall.
    • New drainage connection to Elder Street.
    • Underground drainage attenuation included i.e. the design included some large underground tanks to catch the water so that it could be released more slowly into the main drainage system.
    • In response to a question about use of green or blue roofs to capture water it was agreed that this could be considered in the next phase of the design but the modelling did not show it as being essential.
  • Disabled access – where are the elevators / what other provisions are included?
    • Elevators close to remain entrance providing access to all concert hall levels – mainly level access routes at street level
    • It was confirmed that as well as the normal rotating doors there were wheel chair accessible doors at all entrances.
    • The accessibility of the site for people who were disabled and in particular where vehicles carrying people with electric wheel chairs could drop off passengers. The road between the St James Quarter and the Concert Hall was highlighted but there was a commitment to find out whether transit sized vans could park in the St James Quarter disabled parking.
  • Future interface with Register House (which may be sold / developed in the future) ?
    • It was confirmed that there are currently no known plans for such a disposal. However, the IMPACT team are aware of future possibilities if that were to happen.
  • Use of the site out with concert times and the extent of heavy goods vehicle movements for the safety of pedestrians?
    • It was confirmed that the site would be accessible and that HGV movements would be limited due to the nature of the activity in the building.
  • How will be building be heated / cooled (if necessary) ?
    • Heating would be using air source heat pumps. However, there may be a gas supply for use in the catering facilities.

The team was thanked for the in-depth presentation and it was stated that as NTBCC had enthusiastically supported the original proposal, it was expected that NTBCC would continue to support this amended planning application once lodged.

A copy of the (large) presentation was also requested – it has now been sent through. It includes additional information regarding accessibility and can be viewed here

6 Transport

6.a Presentation by Trams Team (Robert Armstrong, Senior Interface Manager, Trams to Newhaven) –“Traffic Management Plans for the London Road to York Place section”

  • In summary the presentation confirmed that the work would be conducted in three phases starting with :
    • Phase 1 in October 2021 that would cover stretch from London Road to Picardy Place ;
    • Phase 2 would result in traffic no longer being able to enter Broughton Street from Picardy Place thus requiring traffic to be diverted around the construction site.
    • In the final phase the restriction on traffic entering Broughton Street would be removed but traffic would no longer be able to use York Place westbound requiring further diversions TBD.
  • It was stated that the arrangements for Phases 2 and 3 have yet to be finalized. One aspect that had yet to be confirmed was whether traffic would be allowed to turn left from York Place on to Broughton Street (requiring removal of the current restrictions). The general view was this was desirable in order to allow for businesses on Broughton Street to be serviced and avoid adding to the need for traffic to be diverted through adjoining residential areas.

Questions were asked by NTBCC members about the volume of traffic that would be using East London Street and beyond in the northern New Town. It was considered by the Tram Team that very few vehicles would turn left into Broughton Street from East London Street thus creating problems for adjoining residential streets – however, it stated that this was still under review.

6.b. Proposed Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and boundaries consultation (closes 20 September) – discussion / agree NTBCC response

The NTBCC Transport Convener outlined the draft response which was accepted with little discussion or comment.

While supporting the concept of an LEZ, NTBCC’s principal concerns were that the area covered by the proposed LEZ was too small; that the proposed boundaries would create issues for residents living in these areas and that the planned enforcement would be inadequate.

The response has been submitted and has been posted on the NTBCC website here.

Meeting suspended for 5 minutes for a “Well-being break”

7 Environment

7. a. GPB and ‘Communal Bin Hub’

Following on from the paper compiled by Peter Williamson to try and formalise NTBCC’s stance on the Hubs for the wider NTBCC area.

The GPB campaign is well now well established but it is recognised that this is only one part of the complex arrangements for waste collection within the city centre and the World Heritage Site.

  • With fewer organised resident’s groups for the areas who already have some containerisation it is harder to gauge opinion. NTBCC felt it was necessary to more widely communicate with the other areas. As it is a large area and densely populated social media seems a good approach but a hard copy flyer may be preferable to reach across the sectors.
  • M Birch reported that there are funds for a flyer with a distribution of 2-300 potentially. The flyer would be both to alert residents to the proposed changes and to try and gauge opinion.
  • C Nimmo felt that this was an issue where every community councillor had a responsibility to their neighbourhood to try and communicate as much as possible to help gather information.
  • Cllr Mowat, in response to a question from D Clarke, reported that on April 22nd the decision was reached after a robust and detailed deputation from the NTBCC Chair about the danger to the setting and character of the New Tow, World Heritage site, and that GPB’s were an ideal solution. The vote was 7/4 to discontinue GPB. It was very much a political decision, led by Cllr Lesley MacInnes, so hard to change minds.
  • It is possible to revisit a decision after 6 months have elapsed. It is probably some ‘external force’ that could potentially bring about a change of mind. An example could be an expected decision by Scottish Government regarding deposit return schemes.
  • It was felt that it should be should be possible to formulate an NTBCC position going forward.

7.a Draft 2030 Climate Strategy – Council consultation open until 12 September – how should NTBCC respond?

  • NTBCC did not submit a response as there was no specific role for community council in the proposals apart from raising awareness amongst local residents.
  • The Cockburn Association had submitted a detailed report which R Price agreed to circulate.

8 Licensing

SM reported that there was still very little substantive activity.

However, still some temporary licenses being applied for but given the short timescales allowed, these are difficult to track.

9 Engagement & Communications

Nothing to report (Engagement officer not present). Update will be included in October NTBCC agenda.

10 News from Local Residents’ Associations

Nothing to report

11 Any Other Business

As the meeting had run over and there had been much lively discussion it was decided to properly regard these items at the October meeting.

12 Appendix 1: police report

See PDF for full Newsletter here

12.a Looking Back

August in Edinburgh certainly had a different feel than previous years gone by, with a much scaled back Fringe Festival. There were, however, approximately 520,000 tickets sold for events in 140 venues across the city, along with many online or free events.

Within the New Town area, there were three break ins this past month, to a hotel room in York place, office premises at George Street, a further attempt has been made to domestic premises in Moray Place but no access gained. House breakings in Edinburgh are generally falling, thought to be associated with Covid restrictions, but we would urge people to remain vigilant with their home security.

A sexual assault that occurred in Broughton Street Lane is currently still a live investigation with ongoing enquiries at this time. We believe this is an isolated incident, however if any local residents would like any further safety advice, then please do get in touch with your local officers for this to be facilitated. This area is being given extra attention by city centre officers

The hit and run VA that was also reported via press release at Mansfield Place is currently being investigated. Thankfully the cyclist involved only received very minor injuries as a result of this collision. At the start of August, 3 men, aged 23, 22 and 21-years-old, were arrested and charged in connection with 2 assaults deemed as being homophobic related, following an incident involving two men on Leith Street. The accused have been released on an undertaking to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court at a later date. Hate crime of any nature remains a priority of Police Scotland and will not be tolerated.

12.b What We’re Noticing

August has seen a challenging time for the division with numerous serious incidents along with the Fringe Festival requiring officers to assist. These have included a firearms incident in the Southside of the city and the large fire on George IV bridge

Thankfully George IV Bridge has just been re-opened again to traffic with only the west pavement closed. Officers have been abstracted to assist with these along with a Royal Visit. Thankfully with a lot of these incidents and the festival operation coming to an end, your community officers are able to return to their duties within the area.

August was a lot busier with the re-opening of the public houses and extended club hours. As expected, call volume increased in line with related anti-social behaviour. ‘Operation Nightguard’ has now recommenced, with officers on foot patrols during the weekends for the night time economy.

Youth disorder has again been on the rise at the East end of Princes Street. Plans are afoot to tackle this in a joined up approach with our partners at Waverley Mall and with the businesses around this area, including the fast food establishments.

12.c Looking Forward

As some of you might have been aware, PC Claxton has moved post within Police Scotland, so we have welcomed PC Fairbairn to the team to work alongside PC Purnell in the area. I’m sure that you will become acquainted with PC Fairbairn in the future and please do say hello if you see her out and about.

We have received reports from residents about concerns of speeding at Royal Terrace and shall be taking out the speed gun at this location to try and catch culprits and tackle this issue. Also safety concerns have been raised in the New Town and beyond regarding the use of electric scooters around the pavements and roads. Officers have all been issued guidance on how to deal with this relatively new offence and you may have seen an education campaign around this issue in the press.

On a larger scale planning for COP 26 is well underway with officers being deployed from offices to front line roles to cover for those on specialist duties during this massive and challenging operation. This will ensure that there will always be officers within the area to deal with any criminality or issues that arise.

If there are any issues which we feel you should know about, we will of course update you in the forthcoming newsletters, but if there is anything you would like us to address, or crime prevention information you would like us to provide, please let us know and we will tailor the content accordingly.

Kind Regards,

City Centre Community Policing Team

12.d Advice and Support

‘BEAT DOORSTEP CRIME’ – Think / Secure / Question

Suspicious about a call from your “bank”? – Remember banks or Police don’t ask to transfer money over the phone

20 mph – Healthier, Safer, Cleaner

12.e About Us

Local Area Commander: Chief Inspector Clark Martin

City Centre Community Policing Team – West End Police Station

Inspector Mark Hamilton

Sergeant Cameron Walker

Sergeant David Duthie

Plus 8 officers allocated to community issues in Edinburgh’s City Centre.

12.e.i Contact Us

101 for non-emergencies


Twitter: @EdinPolSE

Facebook: Edinburgh Police Division

Web: www.scotland.police.uk

13 Appendix 2: transport report

13.a Spaces for People

The Council decided at its August Transport and Environment Committee meeting to remove most of the temporary measures introduced along the corridor from Canonmills to Broughton Street with the exception of the segregated cycle lanes along Bellevue/Rodney Street and the changes at Broughton roundabout. It is not clear when these measures will actually be removed. The use of ETRO has been challenged as being a suitable basis for gaining approval for the retention of Spaces for People measures. We expect a further report to come to the T&E committee later this year to confirm the plans for the retention of some of the installed temporary measures.

13.b Traffic Noise and Vibration Issues

There has been no progress in addressing the noise and vibration issues associated with the Trams work. We will continue to raise this with the Trams team.

13.c Tram Works

13.c.i Traffic Regulation Orders

  • Traffic Regulation Order – the Council approved the TRO despite concerns raised by NTBCC and others on several aspects including the banning of left hand turns from Leith walk on to London Road and inadequate provision for pedestrians. Living Streets Edinburgh have been lobbying for some late changes to the design of the pavements on Leith walk but it is unclear whether there is any opportunity for change even though the current design does not meet the Edinburgh Street Design Guidance minimum requirements. The Trams team have agreed to provide further information on the traffic modelling that was used to justify the final design.

13.c.ii Picardy Place Work and Traffic Management Plans

  • Picardy Place Work and Traffic Management Plans – The Trams Team will be making a presentation to the September NTBCC meeting regarding the final plans which will be implemented from mid-October to allow work to start on this section of the Trams route from November.

13.d Low Emission Zone

We met with representatives from the LEZ team to allow us to ask some specific questions about the planned scheme and its impact on the NTBCC area. The responses did not however fully address the concerns that we have discussed previously. We remain concerned that the current boundary will encourage the drivers of non-compliant vehicles to use adjoining mainly residential streets resulting in further congestion and increased pollution for residents in those areas. A proposed response to the ongoing consultation has been prepared and will be discussed at the September NTBCC meeting so that it can be submitted before the 20 September deadline.

Prepared by Mike Birch, 10 September 2021

14 Appendix 3: planning report

14.a Recent Decisions

14.a.i ‘New Town Quarter’ – RBS development (20/03034/FUL, 20/03661/Con & 20/03665/FUL)

The suite of applications covering New Town North but excluding the upper levels of Plot 1 (location of hotel) which were approved subject to a legal agreement being put in place have now been fully approved, i.e. Section 75 legal agreement now concluded. This clears the way for the demolition of all buildings on the site – which we have been informed is expected to commence very soon.

Ediston emailed NTBCC & other resident group contacts that in late August that there will be some Ground Investigation work being carried out on the site perimeter, initially to carry out boreholes on the Dundas St side of the development (between the RBS office building and the railings) to determine soil make up / confirm depth to rock base. This will include scaffold platform erection on the Dundas St side of the development and Fettes Row side to facilitate the positioning of the drilling rig. There will be 5 boreholes in total; in addition, oil tank removals will commence within the existing car park area including removal of the concrete surrounds which is expected to generate some noise.

Given that demolition can now commence, we are unsure as to any remaining concerns from residents regarding the Pre-condition surveys. Related to the above, despite several discussions on the route for cyclists in KGVP, we are not aware of the final decision on this.

Related to the above, despite several discussions on the route for cyclists in KGVP, we are not aware of the final decision on this.

14.a.ii New Town Quarter (RBS site – Plot 1, 21/03481/FUL)

The latest New Town North application for replacing the hotel (in the now approved (20/03034/FUL) application) with more residential units (21/03481/FUL) now closed for comments. There were 25 comments lodged – with 22 objections & 3 in support. The Friends of King George V Park objected but NTBCC’s understanding is that the Eyre Place (Applecross) residents are broadly receptive to the new proposal. No comments have been received from other residents’ groups. NTBCC ultimately did not submit a further representation.

However, members of NTBCC’s Planning Committee did attend a presentation from 10 Design (& Ediston / Turley) on the new proposal – which replaces the previous proposed 116-bedroom hotel & 88 Mid-Market Rent (MMR) ‘affordable housing’ units with 66 ‘Build to Rent’ (BTR) units and 108 MMR ’affordable’ units as well as 4 ground floor commercial units (area 667m²).

Approximately 50% of the MMR & BTR units are 1 bed. Overall a nett increase of ~90 residential units.

The other significant aspect of the redesign is available amenity space for the MMR & BTR residents – mainly provided by a multi-level roof terrace – which has separate sections for the MMR & BTR residents given the change in levels. The ground level internal courtyard (accessible from Dundas Street) is shared use. Proposal for demolition of existing office buildings (Centrum / BUPA House), replacing with a mixed-use development of 48 flats with 3 commercial units (Class 1, 2 and 3 uses), amenity space & basement level car park.

14.a.iii 108 – 114 & 116 Dundas Street (20/05645/FUL & 20/05646/CON)

“Proposal for demolition of existing office buildings (Centrum / BUPA House), replacing with a mixed-use development of 48 flats with 3 commercial units (Class 1, 2 and 3 uses), amenity space & basement level car park.”

NTBCC along with residents, the Cockburn & other heritage organisations either objected or raised significant concerns with the original scheme which was then amended prior to being determined. NTBCC, residents groups & the Cockburn maintained their objection. A request for a hearing at the DMSC (Development Management Sub-Committee) was narrowly supported. Overall 62 comments with 59 objecting.

NTBCC, the Cockburn & the 120 Dundas Street residents’ group presented at the Hearing on 8 September but neither EWHT nor HES attended – nor did any local councillors. There was an in-depth discussion on the amended application but ultimately the proposal for redevelopment was refused by 8 votes to 2 – being deemed contrary to LDP policies Des 4, Env 3 & Env 6. The associated demolition consent was also refused by the same margin – with LDP policies Env 5, Env 2 c) being cited. We have not seen any comment from the applicant and this decision could be appealed to DPEA.

14.a.iv Powderhall Bowling Green – Intergenerational Living & Nursery

Although NTBCC had been actively involved in the lengthy pre-consultation process, we did not submit a representation to the proposal.

There has been a recent amendment to shift the building footprint ~1 metre to the east to avoid a tree Root Protection Area & revisions to the proposed (over-bearing) pink palette & this was a presentation item at the 8 September DMSC. There were a small number of objections but overall the DMSC seemed to be supportive of most aspects of the scheme – however, the discussion raised a slightly technical issue regarding Disabled parking for residents of the Inter-generational living block above the nursery. Although some disabled parking & perhaps parking options for carers etc. were to be provided in the next phase on the larger waste transfer site – given that there is no certainty that the Phase 3 application will be brought forwards in the near term (it’s currently a lay-down / storage area for the Tram works) – the committee voted to ‘continue’ the application so that Council officials can bring forward an interim, standalone solution.

14.a.v Henderson Place / Henderson Place Lane (21/04326/FUL & 21/04327/CON)

“Proposed demolition of existing building and erection of a residential development comprising 42x flats with amenity space, landscaping, cycle, parking and other associated infrastructure. 7 Henderson Place Lane”

The pre-consultation for a development proposal on Henderson Place Lane, replacing current office building with residential block of ~40 units by Morgan McDonnell Architecture has finished. More here https://hendersonplace.co.uk

The application is now lodged – proposing demolition of the existing 2-storey with pitched roof 1980’s building & enlarging the footprint & replacing with a layered u-shaped footprint with between 2 to 4 storeys & also includes the increasingly prevalent set-back units on the uppermost floor complete with roof terrace (so 5 storey’s in all).

Open for comments until 24 September – currently 8 comments objecting & 17 in support (although unclear if these are genuine residents’ notes of support). Overall – although it’s another proposal to demolish a relatively recent building & it’s another change of use from offices to residential – the form of the proposal is broadly acceptable & includes affordable housing. Some issues have been raised e.g. disabled parking (it’s proposed to be a ‘no car’ development & the possible impact on the heavily reconfigured Royal London building on Henderson Row & the existing 2 storey building running north-south on the western side.

Decision: NTBCC to submit a representation reflecting comments received to date but taking a neutral stance

14.a.vi Dunard Centre, St Andrew Square (18/04657/FUL)

Presentation item at September NTBCC meeting. Final date for comments 3 October.

NTBCC supported the previously-approved scheme.

14.b Recent Decisions

14.b.i Northumberland Street Lane

Following contact from local residents, NTBCC did submit a representation to a proposal to add a ‘subterranean’ basement beneath a previously-consented mews house. Current Local Plan policies are reasonably silent for proposals such as this but submission highlighted steps being taken elsewhere to protect adjacent listed buildings. HES have been consulted but as appears to be normal for Householder applications such as this, they did not submit any comment. 25 objections lodged.

Following discussions between the agent and the Planning officer – it appears that the applicant is again withdrawing this application but the precise reasons for doing so are unclear.

Decision : NTBCC to continue to monitor whether yet another application is brought forwards

14.c Pre-Consultation Applications

14.c.i Beaverhall House (21/04608/PAN)

Proposal for demolition & redevelopment of Beaverhall House on Beaverhall Road with Edinburgh LLP and HUB Residential Ltd.

There will be further public exhibitions as part of the pre-consultation – 2 digital interactive consultation events proposed – the first between 3pm and 7pm on 28 September & the other TBC. Covered briefly by the Spurtle here: https://www.broughtonspurtle.org.uk/news/new-housing-beaverhall

14.c.ii 67 Logie Green Road (former EFI premises)

Proposal for demolition and redevelopment of the former Edinburgh Furniture Initiative (EFI) site on Logie Green Road.

Although this doesn’t meet the requirements or Pre-consultation, the agent has proposed pre-consultation including a briefing with NTBCC (completed).

Again – covered briefly by the Spurtle here


The current building has limited architectural merit & hence demolition & redevelopment seems appropriate. Slightly concerned in the wider context that the area has seen much change of use from varied uses to becoming increasingly residential. In hindsight, it may have been helpful for a wider Place Brief or Master Plan for the area (as I understand it – has been done for the Bonnington Road area which is undergoing a similar transformation & becoming increasingly residential).

We have already raised the possibility of including some commercial uses in the ground floor (which is limited for residential use due to the increased SEPA flood risk assessment). The proposed architectural style, form & footprint seem broadly acceptable.

Propose further publicising of the public consultation sessions.

14.c.iii 16 Annandale St current Hackland+Dore Architects offices)

NTBCC have been contacted regarding a new proposal for redevelopment at 16 Annandale Street on the site of the existing Hackland & Dore offices. There have been a number of previous proposals of varying scale on the site – initially including the Enterprise Car Rental office to the south.

“This is a proposal which has taken nearly two years to conceive with extensive options appraisals by our studio and a thorough pre-application dialogue with Nancy Jamieson in the City of Edinburgh Planning Team.

We have a local scale planning application for nine units in this redevelopment. Whilst this does not require pre-consultation, we have decided to hold an informal drop-in event for neighbours, local community council, local ward councillors and those of the immediately adjoining ward on 24th August and 25th August 2021.”

NTBCC has voiced their appreciation for the offer of early involvement and have accepted the opportunity to attend.

Local neighbours have also been informed. We are waiting for the application to be lodged

14.d Other News

14.d.i Royal High School Tender process

The RHSPT has lodged its intentions for the site – with some amendments vs. the already-consented scheme.

14.d.ii City Plan 2030

Understand that this will be published in the coming weeks for consultation (as highlighted but not discussed at the June NTBCC meeting by Mike Birch). It will then undergo a public consultation & then be finalised prior to submission to the Scottish Reporters for final approval.

NTBCC submitted a long and detailed submission at an earlier stage of the process. Certainly looking forward to see what aspects of the extensive pre-consultation have made the cut….. .

14.d.iii 37A & 39 London Street

The proposal for redeveloping the vacant and /or derelict Funeral Parlour and basement into 8 STL’s was refused by the DMSC earlier this year. The applicant has now appealed the decision to the Scottish Reporter & the grounds for appeal have been lodged on the DPEA website, along with the Council’s response.

Prepared by Richard Price with input from Annick Gaillard & Stephen Hajducki

13 September 2021