We have recently been advised that the Council will be undertaking work on Dundas Street between Great King Street and Henderson Row that will require partial road closures on Fettes Row and Cumberland Street at their junctions with Dundas Street. There will also be restrictions to parking and loading on several streets in the area. A temporary TRO is in place until February 2024, but all the traffic restrictions will not be in effect for the full period of the order.
As well as relaying the paving slabs on Dundas Street, a new cycle rack will be installed near the Tesco Express and new pedestrian crossings will be created across some of the side streets along Dundas Street. This work will be undertaken during the day on weekdays and on Saturday mornings, if required. It is due to start immediately and will be phased over the next 16 weeks.
Local residents and businesses have been advised by letter of the planned works and restrictions. A copy of that letter can be found here. Please note that there is an error in the section describing Phase 5 of the planned work. It should read West footway rather than East footway.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at www.ntbcc.org.uk or Martin Watson who is the assigned Project Manager for this work at Edinburgh Council at Martin.Watson@edinburgh.gov.uk.