Edinburgh Tenants Federation (ETF) are hosting two seminars presented by Alan C Twelvetrees. The seminars will feature interactive sessions between community workers and representatives to discuss the challenges that communities are currently faced with, and work together to find a way forward. See this link for details Communities United: what role for community workers and representatives?
Alan has been a world renowned academic and practitioner in the field of Community Development since the 1970’s. Early in his career, Alan studied at the University of Edinburgh and later went on to publish work that included research on tenants’ groups in Edinburgh. He has also been a social worker, youth worker and a planner of services for children and young people in a local authority, and has written a total of 9 books in his field.
The seminars will take place on Tuesday 9th February 2016, 6:00pm-8:45pm at Norton Park Conference Centre, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY. Click here to book online now
And Wednesday 10th February 2016, 2.15pm-5pm, Trust Housing Association, 12 New Mart Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1RL. Click here to book online now
Community representatives and students are able to access this seminar for free, paid workers will be charged £15 (invoice will be sent) to cover the costs of this event. Refreshments will be available 15 minutes before the seminar starts. Please book this event in advance as spaces are limited. For more information contact the ETF Federation office on 0131 475 2509 or email info@edinburghtenants.org.uk. Places must be booked by Friday 5th February 2016