‘Statutory’ agenda for NTBCC meeting on Monday 12 February (in-person meeting)

The next NTBCC public meeting will be held on Monday 12 February at 7:00pm, in the Drummond Room at Broughton St Mary’s Church on Bellevue Crescent.

The detailed agenda for this meeting will be published in due course, but for now here is the ‘statutory’/framework agenda.

    1. Welcome, introductions and apologies
    2. Approval of draft minutes of previous meeting (11 December 2023)
    3. Matters arising
    4. Policing matters
    5. Transport
    6. Licensing
    7. Culture & Communities
    8. Environment
    9. Engagement / Communications
    10. Planning
    11. Councillors’ reports
    12. Open Forum (for residents to raise any concerns)
    13. AOCB

This is the NTBCC standard agenda. A more detailed agenda with specific topics will be published before the meeting.

As always, members of the public are very welcome to attend this meeting and indeed future meetings (whether in-person or virtual).

Any member of the public who would like to raise an issue in the interim can use the contact form on this website or send us a message via @NTBCC on Twitter and we will respond as soon as we can.