Licensing Board – Applications in NTBCC’s Area : 19 September 2024

Adapted from a Licensing Board notification received by the New Town & Broughton Community Council of new alcohol licensing application(s) within NTBCC’s area.

Should you wish to share your views/concerns with NTBCC, please contact us by email to 

Please find below the following application(s) due to be heard at the meeting of the Licensing Board (dates to be confirmed) which are located in your Community Council area.

Variation      535915      Gf – Bf, 113-115 George Street (Slug & Lettuce &/or BARUNO), EH2 4JR
to amend on sale hours from 1pm to 3am daily (currently 11am to 1am).

Variation      533171      58a George Street (SUPERCUBE Karaoke Rooms), EH2 2LR
includes to amend Sunday trading to 12pm, and to add outdoor drinking within core hours.

Provisional    536041      9 Brandon Terrace (Luxford Burgers), EH3 5EA
for restaurant/takeaway premises on ground floor and lower ground floor of premises.

Any comments/objections should be lodged in writing by 10/10/2024 (please note we recommend forwarding representations by e-mail to

Full details of the applications can be found here:

NTBCC meeting minutes 12 June 2023

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, at Broughton St Mary’s church, on Monday 12 June 2023 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

URLs have been added by the minutes secretary. Continue reading

Communal Bin Review (Phase 4) : Drop In sessions covering Parking Zones 5,5A & 6

Adapted from an email sent  to the New Town & Broughton Community Council and Stockbridge & Inverleith Community Council regarding further ‘Drop-in’ information events scheduled in the next month where residents will be able to ask questions of Council officers, see details of what’s happening and importantly, find out how to comment on the new bin hub locations.

Nearest location is Broughton St Mary’s Church on 29 June (10:00am – 1:00pm) but also other possibilities.

Dear Community Councils,

The Communal Bin Review (CBR) project aims to improve recycling and waste services for those living in flats. The project will make it easier for residents to recycle by ensuring they have access to a full range of recycling bins: non-recyclable waste, food waste, glass, and mixed recycling.

As agreed by Committee, the CBR team is planning engagement with the public prior to the statutory Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for phase 4 which also covers are within your Community Council.  The feedback provided by members of the public on specific locations will be considered and accommodated where possible and in accordance with the review framework recently approved by Committee last May 2023.  This will support the determination of final bin hub locations that will undergo the statutory consultation TRO process anticipated to start in Autumn 2023.

As part of the engagement process, letters with a map of the proposed bin hub locations are being posted to residents (see Example here) and should be delivered in the next few days.

Also attached are the proposed bin hub locations for

Parking Zone 5 (St. Bernard’s Row & Dean St);

Parking Zone 5A (Saxe-Coburg Place/Saxe-Coburng St / Dean Bank Lane; Hamilton Place; Henderson Row ;  Brandon St / Henderson Place / Perth St.)  


Parking Zone 6 (Canonmills / Rodney St ; Brandon St / Brandon Terrace / Canon St ; Eyre Place / Logan St ; Eyre Terrace ; East London St (western section)).

More general information for these proposed bin hub locations is also available on line through a link in the darker shade areas in the city map.

Drop-in information events will be held as per schedule below :

Date Location Time
29 June 2023 Broughton St Mary’s Church, 12 Bellevue Crescent 10am-1pm
30 June 2023 Barclay Viewforth Church, 1 Wright’s Houses 2-5pm
3 July 2023 Stockbridge Library, 11 Hamilton Place 3-6pm
6 July 2023 Morningside Parish Church, 2 Cluny Gardens 3-6pm
11 July 2023 Cameron House Community Centre, 34 Prestonfield Avenue 2-5pm
12 July 2023 King’s Hall, 41A South Clerk Street 3-6pm
13 July 2023 The Well Café, 25 Nicolson Square 10am-1pm & 2-5pm

I hope you find the information useful and please get in touch if you have any questions

Sent by Erica Manfroi | Project Delivery Manager – Communal Bin Review | Waste and Cleansing Services

City of Edinburgh Council | Seafield Depot | 1 Fillyside Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6RD

NTBCC meeting full agenda Monday 12 June 2023, and convenor reports

NTBCC ordinary meeting: Drummond room at Broughton St Mary’s Church on Bellevue Crescent
Monday 12 June starting at 7:00pm

  1. Welcome / Introductions / Attendance
  2. Approval of the minutes of the ordinary NTBCC meeting held on 8 May 2023
  3. Matters arising from previous minutes, and not included on agenda below (To approve)
  4. Police matters, assuming attendance by Police (To note)
  5. Transport (Convener’s report)
  6. Environment (Convener’s report)
    • George Street & First New Town’ – TEC update 15 June  (including proposal for trees) (To note)
    • Waste management (time extension of GPB trial/proposal for STLs) (To note)
    • Use of communal bins – NTBCC position (re concerns raised by an ELS resident) (To agree)
  7. Licensing (Convener’s report)
    • HMO Best Practice Guide 2023’ consultation (10 August) (To note)
    • Other licensing applications (W Hotel/Use of St James Square/1 Gayfield Square) (To discuss)
  8. Culture and Communities (Convener’s report)
  9. Planning (Convener’s report)
  10. Communications
    • EACC consultation 23 June (To note/agree NTBCC position)
  11. Residents’ Open Forum/AOCB

Please note: before or during the meeting, names and email addresses may be recorded. Email addresses are held and used for circulating information about NTBCC but may also be used to seek residents’ views on local issues.

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Planned Resurfacing Works : Canonmills / Brandon Terrace as from 5 June

NTBCC became aware of a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) TEMP/23/127, recently posted on Edinburgh Council’s website, which had already been approved by delegated authority, to facilitate carriageway and footway resurfacing works covering part of the southern section of Inverleith Row, Huntly Street, Canonmills, Brandon Street and Brandon Terrace.  In addition, an area of footway from Warriston Crescent to the Canonmills junction is also included within the scope of works.

On further examination of the details of TEMP/23/127, which is drafted in none-to-helpful legal terms, it also states that a one way restriction would be in place covering Canonmills & Huntley street in their entirety such that north-south travel would not be permitted between 18:30 to 6:30. The duration of the TTRO is stated as being 1 June to 31 October (i.e. for 20+ weeks).

The order also states that the alternative route for through vehicular traffic with respect to the one-way restrictions on Canonmills and Huntly Street will be by way of Brandon Terrace, Brandon Street, Dundas
Street, Great King Street, Drummond Place, London Street, Mansfield Place, Bellevue Place and Rodney Street. It isn’t entirely clear from the approved order whether this restriction would be in place throughout the period.

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Northbound road closure: impact on Leith Walk traffic from 2 October for 3 weeks **CORRECT MAP**

Following on from this post, we understand that we were supplied the wrong map. What we believe to be the right map is below, and has been put into the original post. NTBCC’s web-weaver apologises for any inconvenience this honest mistake causes.

map of affected area

Click the image to see the full-size PDF.

Northbound road closure: impact on Leith Walk traffic from 2 October for 3 weeks

Antigua Street – Annandale Street north-bound road closure

On the 2 October 2022 there will be changes to the traffic management arrangements on the north-bound section of Leith Walk between Antigua Street and Annandale Street to allow final surfacing works to be undertaken .

This will involve a full north-bound road closure for approximately three weeks from the Picardy Place turnback to Annandale Street. Please note the Picardy Place turnback will remain operational throughout the duration of these works.

Buses will be using the Picardy turn back. Bus stops on York Place will still be in use and they will be using East London Street and Annandale Street to get back onto Leith Walk.

There will be diversion signage installed in the local area to inform road users of the recommended route. The main diversion route for north-bound cyclists will be Dublin Street, Abercromby Place, Albany Street, Broughton Street and East London Street while traffic will be diverted via Dundas Street, Brandon Terrace, Canonmills, Broughton Road and Bonnington Road. Traffic will also be able to access Broughton Street via York Place and the Picardy Place turnback but this will only be signed in the local vicinity in order to encourage traffic to use the above diversion. Details of Lothian Buses diversions will be listed on their website.

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