NTBCC ordinary meeting minutes 13 May 2024

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s meeting, online via Zoom, on Monday 13 May 2024 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

URLs have been added by the minutes secretary. Continue reading

Interested in the history of Broughton Street or Albany Street ?

Adapted from an email sent to NTBCC from a local author highlighting his books on the local history of certain streets within NTBCC’s area (or others just bordering it).  

For those interested in the history of Edinburgh, Barclay Price has produced five books that look at the history of Edinburgh Streets: Broughton Street, Albany Street, St Stephen Street, Cockburn Street and Victoria Street.

For Broughton Street, the book “captures many of the significant events and changes that have taken place in Broughton Street since its creation in the early 1800s. Any street that is 200+ years old is bound to contain a myriad of stories and Broughton Street’s fascinating history does not disappoint”.

They all contain lots of photos and other illustrations.


These are on sale in shops in the streets or by mail order. If you’d like to  know where to buy any or enquire about mail order then email Barclay : albanystreetedinburgh@gmail.com