NTBCC ordinary meeting minutes 9 September 2024

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, via Zoom, on Monday 9 September 2024 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

URLs have been added by the minutes secretary. Continue reading

Update : new Local Development Plan : ‘City Plan 2030’

Email as received from Edinburgh Council’s Development Planning Programme Manager regarding the forthcoming adoption of the next Local Development Plan. This, along with NPF4 (National Planning Framework), will be the key document for determination of future planning applications.

City Plan 2030 Update

We are pleased to announce that we have received confirmation from the Scottish Government that the Council may proceed to adopt City Plan 2030 subject to modifications. You can see the Scottish Government letter here.

The modifications are principally minor amendments with the most notable change being an additional criterion for Policy Hou 3 Mixed Communities in relation to addressing local housing priorities by meeting identified gaps in provision.

Before we can adopt City Plan 2030, there are two final statutory stages:

  • Planning Committee on 23 October 2024
  • Full Council on 7 November 2024

We expect City Plan 2030 to be adopted as our local development plan on 8 November 2024. We will provide a further update to confirm this.

Lynne McMenemy I Development Planning Programme Manager I Development Planning I Planning and Building Standards | Sustainable Development I PLACE Directorate | The City of Edinburgh Council | Waverley Court, 2.4, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG email: cityplan2030@edinburgh.gov.uk

You can access our services at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/planning-building  and follow the Planning Edinburgh blog for updates on our service.


NTBCC full agenda Monday 14 October 2024 and conveners’ reports received so far

This will be an in-person meeting: Monday 14 September at 7pm, in the Drummond Room at Broughton St Mary’s Church on Bellevue Crescent.

The bracketed information shows the time allocated to each item.

Convenors’ reports will be added below the agenda as they are received.

  1. Welcome and apologies (5 minutes)
  2. Police report as received (10 minutes)
  3. Approval of minutes of September 2024 meeting and matters arising (NTBCC chair, 10 minutes)
    1. draft September minutes
    2. Actions from September minutes
Item Actor Action
2.b row 3 Cllr Caldwell Pursue reinstatement of bin posters and codes, and of all bins getting fullness-detectors
2.b row 4 Cllr Mowat Keep NTBCC informed of any progress with changes to CEC licensing software
2.b row 6 Cllr Caldwell Check whether Edinburgh Atlas shows land that might suit ‘right to grow’
3.b M Birch Arrange a meeting to decide NTBCC’s response, including non-NTBCC members
4.a M Birch Share website responses about service 13 bus with CEC cllrs (done just after meeting)
4.a M Birch Post a link to the draft Princes St and Waverley Valley strategy on NTBCC’s website
4.a M Birch If necessary, make a verbal deputation about George St to TEC.
4.a Cllr Mowat Take up with CEC officers the example of the New Room tables and chairs on Leith St
4.b M Birch At the bin-hub workshop, suggest that cleanliness and maintenance are part of amenity, as well as effective pavement widths
4.c Cllr Caldwell Report back from a meeting this week with the trams team about Annandale St issues
5.b R Price Submit comment about ESF food-truck application requesting temporary permission is given
5.e R Price Add a link to Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy forthcoming consultation to the website
6.b Cllr Mowat Attempt to find if there is a cap to the overall duration of temporary licenses
9 B Ryan Circulate information about LeithChooses
    1. Chair’s report (20 minutes)
      1. Edinburgh World Heritage Trust governance update
      2. Edinburgh World Heritage Site management plan update
      3. Visitor Levy for Edinburgh consultation (closes 15.12.24) – to note/discuss
      4. Community council elections and governance update
    2. Culture and communities matters (15 minutes)
      1. Edinburgh Future Libraries  Strategy consultation (closes 18.12.24) – to note/discuss
      2. Planned walkabout (First New Town) – 28 October 2024
    3. Licensing matters
      1. Short Term Lets (Licencing) consultation  (closes 14.10.24) – to note NTBCC submission
    4. Planning update (15 minutes)
      1. Update on amended RBS application (learnings from 8 October event & community engagement).
      2. Other recent planning applications of note
      3. Royal High School Preservation Trust survey – to note
    5. Transport and environment matters (15 minutes)
      1. Trams to Newhaven – Road safety audit and defect resolution update
      2. Transport and Environment committee meeting (10 October 2024) update
      3. Communal bin review – residential amenity workshop – feedback
      4. Experimental traffic orders (London Road) – to note/discuss draft objection
    6. Councillors’ reports (10 minutes)
    7. Any other business (10 minutes)

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Future Libraries Consultation

The following post is taken from an email recently received from City of Edinburgh Council regarding a new phase of public consultation on the future of libraries across Edinburgh. Please consider responding to the consultation for which a link is provided below and let us know if you have any views that you wish us to include in any response we provide to the Council.

Edinburgh Libraries are developing a new Future Libraries Strategy that will provide a framework for service delivery and development for public and school libraries over the next five years. To help shape the new strategy and inform future proposals for change, Council Committee agreed to carry out an engagement and consultation process to gather feedback from individuals, groups, and stakeholders across the city. The first stage of the engagement process was successfully carried out earlier this year, and I’m pleased to let you know that the next stage of our “Future Libraries” consultation is now live and will run until 18 December. As a valued stakeholder, we would appreciate your involvement and to hear your views and ask that you complete the consultation questionnaire which can be accessed here https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/futurelibraries
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Trams to Newhaven Project – Road Safety Audit Report Published

The following is taken from a document issued by the Community Councils Together for Trams group following the recent publication of a report regarding the Trams to Newhaven Project Road Safety Audit.

The independent Stage 3 Road Safety Audit of the Trams to Newhaven project recommends 145 changes to improve the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and other road users. In their response, the Council (CEC) and the Contractor (SFN) have agreed to implement only 49.
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Edinburgh Oktoberfest – West Princes Street Gardens

We have been reminded by  City of Edinburgh Council that the annual Oktoberfest event will be taking place on the hard standing area in West Princes Street Gardens next week.

It will be on site from the 30th September, opening on 3rd October until the 6th and offsite on 7th October.

Should you have any questions, please contact park.events@edinburgh.gov.uk

Road Works – What is happening in my area?

If you want to find out about road works happening in your area there are two sources of information. The Roadworks Scotland website has an interactive map showing road works across Scotland but with a search function that allows the user to focus on individual streets. Edinburgh Council also issue a weekly list of the road works in the City. Again it is possible to filter this list by location.

Please use the contact form on our website if you have any concerns about roadworks in our area.