‘Your health. Your care. Your future’ – help decide the future of health and social care in Edinburgh

The Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board is responsible for the decision making and strategic planning of health and social care services for adults in the Capital. We deliver our services through the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership and both Board and Partnership are committed to delivering an caring, healthier, safer Edinburgh.

The EIJB want to support and nurture the thriving communities in Edinburgh. And we also want to embrace the opportunity to create a different relationship with people and organisations across the city. Our first step is to listen and learn what health and social care means to you.

And it’s why we’re inviting you to join the conversation on the future of health and social care in the capital and help us shape Your health. Your care. Your future. at our digital events this November.

Find out more about the events, and register for your ticket now at www.bitly.com/yourhealthcarefuture Continue reading

Flu vaccination – stakeholder briefing

The full PDF is here: Flu stakeholder info (PDF). Here are some key points


The COVID-19 pandemic, and the increase in the number of people who should get a free flu vaccine, means it is very difficult for your GP practices to give flu vaccines to everyone eligible this winter.

In Edinburgh, we have set up drive through and walk through clinics around the city to give flu vaccines to all eligible people during October and November. Doing this will allow us to vaccinate as many people as possible, while making sure we can maintain physical distancing and keep everyone safe.

Information in other languages is on EHSCP’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5wSR2hIJAGZOSaAouEtwGE_OclW4_Qft

Some detail

The clinics will open most weekends in October and November and can vaccinate up to 500 people a day.

By developing flu drive throughs, everyone entitled to a free flu vaccine from a household can attend at the same time. For those who don’t have access to a car, you’ll be able to visit one of the walk through clinic across the city.

In addition, you can give a neighbour or friend a lift as long as you are both well and wear masks and take normal COVID precautions (further details are available on the NHS Inform website below)

As well as over 65s, pregnant people, unpaid carers and those at risk due to existing health conditions, those who lived with people who shielded during lockdown will also be offered a free flu jab.

Keeping people safe and healthy is a priority, so before the jab is administered, a nurse will ask some questions to make sure it is safe to administer the vaccine. The person receiving the jab doesn’t need to leave their car and will also be asked to wait 15 minutes before leaving the clinic to ensure there’s no reaction to the vaccine.

If you are eligible for a free flu vaccine, or for more information, go to www.nhsinform.scot/flu to find out where you can get your jab in Edinburgh. If you qualify for a free vaccine you’ll be given a time to attend a clinic after completing a short questionnaire. Please help neighbours and friends who may not be comfortable with accessing websites.


These groups are eligible for the flu vaccine this year:

  • all primary school children
  • children aged 2 to 5 (children aged 2 on 1 September 2020 and not yet in school)
  • anyone aged 55 and over (from December)
  • anyone aged 18-64 in clinical risk groups
  • those living with people who were shielding during lockdown
  • pregnant women
  • healthcare workers
  • unpaid and young carers
  • social care workers who provide direct personal care