Parks consultations: please have your say – thrice!

(adapted from a rather confusing email from Edinburgh Council) 

Survey of events in parks

This year’s survey about events held in parks across the city in 2018-19 has been published today:

This surveyfocuses on views and comments on a range of events which took place between October 2018 to September 2019. Events include the Beltane and Samhuinn Fire Festivals on Calton Hill, the Summer Sessions and the Virgin Festival Fireworks in West Princes Street Gardens, the Circus and Colour Bomb Carnival in Sighthill Park and many more.

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NTBCC minutes – Monday 9 September 2019

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, held in Drummond Room, Broughton St Mary’s church, Bellevue Crescent on Monday 9 September 2019 at 7.30pm

Actions and decisions are red italic underlined. nem con means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

In the chair’s absence at the start of the meeting, the vice-chair chaired the start of the meeting (items 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6).

1 Attendance and apologies for absence

Susanna Beaumont NTBCC Carol Nimmo NTBCC Chair
Judy Conn NTBCC secretary Richard Price NTBCC Planning convener
Stephen Hajducki NTBCC Sheila Warnock NTBCC
Simon Holledge NTBCC Communications convener Alan Welsh NTBCC
Stuart McAllister NTBCC Alllan Jack NTBCC Transport convener
Jack Hugh NTBCC Alan Macintosh Broughton Spurtle
Susan Macinnes NTBCC ~35 residents

1.1 Apologies for absence

Jonathan Finn NTBCC treasurer Cllr Amy McNeese-Mechan Leith walk ward
Chrissie Ross Cllr Joanna Mowat City Centre ward
Deidre Brock MP

Cllr Hal Osler

Edinburgh North and Leith


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