New Town & Broughton CC has received the following from an arm of the Scottish NHS. Although it is not specific to the NTBCC area, it may be of interest to NTBCC residents, so NTBCC is forwarding it for your information.
Health research is important so that we can prevent people from getting unwell and try to improve treatments if they do become ill. We need to involve more people in research, and we can do this with your support! We need you, your families, your colleagues and your visitors to sign up the SHARE Register.
SHARE – The Scottish Health Research Register and Biobank – is a Register of people who are happy to be sent information about health projects.
We need healthy people and people with health conditions to join SHARE. Health research is necessary so new treatments can be discovered for conditions and disease such as cancer, diabetes, dementia, stroke and asthma.
When you join, we may occasionally send you information about research projects that might be of interest to you. This might involve taking part in online surveys, sharing your views on your healthcare or taking part in a study researching a new medication for an illness you may have. You can decide if you would like to take part when you find out more about the study.
Would you be willing to display posters in your buildings and offices, to help promote SHARE to your staff and members of the public? If you can help, please get in touch at
People can register in a number of ways:
- Online:
Thank you very much for considering this request. With thanks and kind regards, Sarah Ritchie SHARE Deputy Program Manager The Scottish Health Research Register & Biobank Level 6-242, Corridor R Ninewells Hospital & University of Dundee Medical School DD1 9SY The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
- Phone: 01382 383 471