NTBCC ordinary meeting: Drummond room at Broughton St Mary’s Church on Bellevue Crescent
Monday 12 June starting at 7:00pm
- Welcome / Introductions / Attendance
- Approval of the minutes of the ordinary NTBCC meeting held on 8 May 2023
- Matters arising from previous minutes, and not included on agenda below (To approve)
- Police matters, assuming attendance by Police (To note)
- Transport (Convener’s report)
- ‘Actions to deliver Edinburgh’s City Mobility Plan’ consultation (9 July 2023) (To note/discuss)
- Trams to Newhaven – Remaining public realm/snagging issues (To note)
- Picardy Place – latest news (To note/discuss)
- ETRO consultation delay/extension for comments (To note)
- East London Street petition (To note)
- Canonmills/Brandon Terrace etc resurfacing (To note)
- Environment (Convener’s report)
- ‘George Street & First New Town’ – TEC update 15 June (including proposal for trees) (To note)
- Waste management (time extension of GPB trial/proposal for STLs) (To note)
- Use of communal bins – NTBCC position (re concerns raised by an ELS resident) (To agree)
- Licensing (Convener’s report)
- ‘HMO Best Practice Guide 2023’ consultation (10 August) (To note)
- Other licensing applications (W Hotel/Use of St James Square/1 Gayfield Square) (To discuss)
- Culture and Communities (Convener’s report)
- ‘George Street & First New Town’ – TEC update 15 June (including proposal for trees) (To note)
- ‘Use of public spaces for filming and events’ C&C update 11 May (To note/discuss)
- ‘Edinburgh Christmas’ – response to Cllr McVey’s motion: C&C 8 June (To note/discuss)
- Planning (Convener’s report)
- ‘Conservation & Adaptation’ consultation – ended 11 June (To note)
- Pre-consultation at 19 Hanover St / Rose Street Lane (Retail/Hotel) (To note)
- Scottish Government Phase 3 consultation – PDR (energy efficiency) 23 August (To note)
- Communications
- EACC consultation 23 June (To note/agree NTBCC position)
- Residents’ Open Forum/AOCB
Please note: before or during the meeting, names and email addresses may be recorded. Email addresses are held and used for circulating information about NTBCC but may also be used to seek residents’ views on local issues.