Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting, 28 May 2020

Minutes of the Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting (Construction Phase) via Google Meet on Thursday 28 May 2020 at 5:30pm Continue reading

Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting, 27 February 2020

Minutes of the Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting (No 2 Construction Phase) at 165 Leith Walk on Thursday 27 February at 5:30pm Continue reading

Newhaven Tram project update

(adapted form an email from ‘Trams to Newhaven’)

Leith Walk Planters

In order to facilitate construction of Trams to Newhaven project, the 14 planters that are currently situated on Leith Walk will be moved to the Leith Links / Duke Street / Lochend Road / Easter Road junction. This will be a permanent move in order to accommodate dedicated cycling lanes post construction. The planters will be moved as part of the enabling works commencing on Monday 18 November 2019.

We are aware that some businesses / residents have been looking after the planters and where this is known we have made contact to explain. An example of this is the Kadampa Meditation Centre who we visited to explain what is happening and to thank them for the work they have done. We will be attaching posters to the planters this week to highlight the planters being moved.

Trimming of trees at South Leith Parish Church Wall

In order to begin works on the South Leith Parish Church wall later in December 2019, TD Tree and Land Services Limited, a specialist in tree maintenance, will trim back overhanging branches in order to gain access to the wall. The works will take place over two days (Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 November) and will not damage the trees in any way.

Wherever possible all work will be carried out from the ground.  If required, trees will be climbed by trained personnel and will only take place once an assessment has been made that is safe to do so.

An eco-check for bats and nesting birds was undertaken recently which identified the trees had not been used by either species.

We will be highlighting both of above on the project website and in the electronic newsletter this week.

Parks consultations: please have your say – thrice!

(adapted from a rather confusing email from Edinburgh Council) 

Survey of events in parks

This year’s survey about events held in parks across the city in 2018-19 has been published today:

This surveyfocuses on views and comments on a range of events which took place between October 2018 to September 2019. Events include the Beltane and Samhuinn Fire Festivals on Calton Hill, the Summer Sessions and the Virgin Festival Fireworks in West Princes Street Gardens, the Circus and Colour Bomb Carnival in Sighthill Park and many more.

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