How to report overflowing bins

The following reporting portals simply ask you to pin the overflowing bin/litter on the map:

When you fill in either of these, you can put in your email address and receive an update when it’s emptied.

NTBCC suggests bookmarking these on your phone’s browser so you can report issues as soon as you see them

Edinburgh councillors from the City Centre (11) and Leith Walk (12) wards who attend NTBCC have also encouraged as much reporting as possible, as it allows the Council to spot patterns where issues arise, and allows councillors to scrutinise areas where there are concerns.

There is also a report due to the Council’s Transport and Environment committee in the coming weeks on how to best report vandalised bins. In the meantime, please let the Council know about damaged bins using or 0131 200 2000.

Your local ward councillor details can also be found at and via the ‘About’ page on this website.

NTBCC thanks Cllr Jack Caldwell for compiling this information.

NTBCC full agenda Monday 13 November 2023 and convenor reports received so far

This will be an online meeting on Monday 13 November 2023 via Zoom (link) at 7pm. We’ll open the meeting at 6:45 so we can start promptly.

To access the meeting, please use the Zoom link here.

  1. Admin and welcome
  2. Approval of the minutes of the ordinary NTBCC meeting held on 9 October 2023, and matters arising (To approve/discuss)
  3. Police report (if received) (To note/discuss)
  4. Chair’s update
  5. Licensing (convener’s report)
    • Short Term Let Licensing scheme – Home Letting vs Secondary Letting (To discuss)
    • Alcohol Licensing
      • New draft policy statement and consultation (To note)
      • Police annual report 2022-2023 (To note)
    • Street trading and market operators consultation (To note)
    • SEV licensing – CEC regulatory committee evidence session on 27 Oct (To note)
  6. Planning (convener’s report)
    • Concerns over planning (class use/enforcement) and licensing for cafés
    • Update on STL planning applications and licensing register
    • Proposed development in the Canon Court aparthotel car-park (23/06328/FUL)
    • Broughton Market (23/06502/FUL)  Change of use from office accommodation to serviced apartments
    • Edinburgh Council’s conservation and adaption initiative
  7. Transport (convener’s report)
    • George Street and the First New Town project (update on side streets)
    • Travelling Safely update (including Waverley Station masterplan/Waterloo Place bus trial)
    • Response to HES consultation regarding Holyrood Park
    • Report on outcome of Hardie Inquiry
    • Updates: Trams project, East London Street and LEZ
  8. Environment (convener’s report)
  9. Culture and Communities (convener’s report)
    • Presentation/discussion on Edinburgh Council’s community council review
      (There were no relevant items arising from this cycle of CEC committee meetings.)
  10. AOCB, including news from residents’ associations, and points raised by members of the public.

Please note: before or during the meeting, names and email addresses may be recorded. Email addresses are held and used for circulating information about NTBCC but may also be used to seek residents’ views on local issues.

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NTBCC meeting minutes 12 December 2022

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, held via Zoom, on Monday 12 December 2022 at 7pm Continue reading

NTBCC meeting minutes 8 August 2022

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, held via Zoom, on Monday 8 August 2022 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision. Continue reading

NTBCC meeting agenda Monday 9 May 2022

Agenda for online meeting: 6:45pm for 7.00pm start

We very much welcome members of the public joining the meeting (using the Zoom platform).

Registration will be through Eventbrite via this link

Log-in details/Zoom link will then be emailed to all those who have registered.

Anyone who wants to raise an issue for discussion can do so either by submitting a Contact Us form or send a message via Twitter @NTBCC. Continue reading

“Business Bulletin – Communal Bin Project” – NTBCC deputation to Transport & Environment Committee

The following written deputation was submitted to the Council’s Transport & Environment Committee on 27 January 2022 in response to an item contained within the Committee’s Business Bulletin which covered an update to the Communal Bin (Hub) Project and the £7.7m grant from Zero Waste Scotland’s Recycling Improvement Fund. 

The verbal deputation and discussion along with verbal deputations from Edinburgh World Heritage and the Cockburn Association, who supported the view of the community council, can also be viewed in the webcast of the meeting, starting at 5:45 minutes in.

(A note of caution – the full discussion on this topic runs for over an hour).  

Deputation to the Transport & Environment Committee meeting  : 27 January 2022 on item 6.1 Business Bulletin


Since April 2021 when the City of Edinburgh Council (“the Council”) made its original decision to impose Communal Bin Hubs right across the New Town, the Council has refused to consult, engage or listen to the residents, their associations, Community Councils and Heritage Organisations.

The Business Bulletin before the Transport and Environment Committee today (“TEC”) is just another example where the Council has, again, failed to listen to experts or those affected by its decisions. Based on lengthy interactions with Edinburgh World Heritage (“EWH”) and Historic Environment Scotland (“HES”), the Council had an opportunity to re-think its extremely unpopular policy and consider some small mitigating suggestions. But it has failed to do so, ignored the advice of these Heritage Organisations and taken a “we know best” approach.

The Business Bulletin misrepresents facts and has not fully explained the Heritage Organisations’ views. The Committee does not even have the opportunity today to debate the minimal amendments proposed by EWH and HES.

The Council have been made aware of the very strong objections there are to the decision to abandon doorstep collection of Gull-proof bags and recycling boxes. A recent survey carried out by Angus Robertson MSP (and Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture) shows that just over 90% of residents do not support the imposition of Communal Bin Hubs. This is supported by our own NTBCC online survey and a recent door-to-door poll on India Street. In addition, the Council’s ‘Information Events’ also demonstrated how opposed the New Town community is to these changes.

However, the Council continues to ignore those it represents.

Before dealing with the details of the Business Bulletin, it is important to remind the Committee, how it reached this current decision in April 2021.

  • There was no consultation or even engagement with residents, residents’ associations, and community councils.
  • There was no consultation or engagement with Heritage Organisations
  • The Council has not conducted any impact assessments, despite the view of experts that such assessment should be carried out. It continues to refuse to conduct such assessments despite requests from EWH and HES.

New Town residents support the Council’s ambition of greater recycling, cleaner streets and less pollution. However, the way the Committee is taking these decisions is both undemocratic and lacking in transparency. As the Council will know, only too well, effective decision making involves and does not exclude those that are affected by its decisions.

Committee members will have received last week, our ‘Five-Year plan for Waste Management’ (attached to this deputation). This aims to approach the matter of waste and recycling in an imaginative way and looks to best practice nationally and internationally. The NTBCC wish to work with the Council to develop a system that not only carries the support of the community but also looks for a long-term and sustainable solution that will not permanently scar the streetscape of this beautiful City.

As a consequence, we are urging the Committee to just take a step back, pause and consider the lasting impact its decision will have on the unique heritage of Edinburgh. Once imposed, the Council will not be able to reverse its decision or if it did – it would again cost millions of pounds. Millions of pounds of public money.

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NTBCC minutes Monday 8 November 2021

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

Edinburgh Council has stated that ‘CCs can approve minutes, and take other decisions, remotely’, as so long as they ensure that ‘remote meetings are as accessible to members of the public and (as) well-advertised as possible’. Continue reading