NTBCC meeting full agenda Monday 14 August 2023, and convenor reports received so far

NTBCC ordinary meeting: Drummond room at Broughton St Mary’s Church on Bellevue Crescent
Monday 14 August, starting at 7:00pm

    1. Welcome / Introductions / Attendance
    2. Approval of the minutes of the ordinary NTBCC meeting held on 12th June 2023 (To approve)
    3. Matters arising from previous minutes (and not included on agenda below) (To discuss)
    4. Police matters and proposal for improved reporting (To note/discuss)
    5. Culture and Communities (Convener’s report)
      • CEC Culture & Communities Committee held on 10 August 2023
      • Edinburgh’s Winter Festivals – update on procurement (To note / discuss)
      • Calton Hill – Request to Re-open Nelson Monument (To note)
    6. Licensing (Convener’s report)
      • HMO Best Practice Guide 2023 consultation (closing 10 August) (To note)
      • STL Licensing – Council update following the Judicial Review (To note)
      • Licensing applications – e.g. 1 Gayfield Square (To discuss)
    7. Transport (Convener’s report)
      • Tram works – handover / Road safety Audit (To note)
      • East London Street – petition at 17 August Transport & Environment Committee (To note)
      • Picardy Place – compliance with Edinburgh Street Design Guidance (To note / discuss)
      • Participation Request vs. less formal discussions with Transport Officials (To note / discuss)
    8. Planning (Convener’s report)
    9. Environment (Convener’s report)
    10. Governance
      • Future planning for Office Bearers (To discuss)
      • CEC upcoming consultation re. Community councils boundaries / funding etc. (To note / discuss)
    11. AGM (as agreed to be held on 9 October (In Person) and committee reports)
    12. Residents’ Open Forum / AOCB

Please note: before or during the meeting, names and email addresses may be recorded. Email addresses are held and used for circulating information about NTBCC but may also be used to seek residents’ views on local issues.

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NTBCC meeting agenda Monday 14 November 2022

Meeting starts 7pm. It’s in-person, in the Drummond Room at Broughton St. Mary’s Church.

Anyone who wants to raise an issue for discussion can do so either by submitting a Contact Us form (links to ntbcc.org.uk) or send a message via Twitter @NTBCC

  1. Admin / Welcome
  2. Minutes of 10th October 2022 meeting and matters arising
    (To approve)
  3. Police report – including Police Scotland response on suggested format
    (5 minutes)
  4. Presentation by Drummond Community High School representatives: ‘Cost of Living’ initiative
    (10 minutes)
  5. Licensing
    (15 minutes)

    1. Consultations
      1. Statement of Licensing Policy‘ (including over-provision) – closes 20th December
      2. House in Multiple Occupation conditions – closes 30th December
    2. Current miscellaneous Licensing Board applications
  6. Planning
    (15 minutes)

    1. Consultation: ‘Short-term Let Planning Guidance for Edinburghcloses 22nd December
    2. Consultation: ‘World Heritage Site Management Plan – closes 12th December
    3. Update to non-statutory ‘Guidance for Listed Building and Conservation Areas‘ – October 2022 update
  7. Transport
    (15 minutes)

    1. ‘Trams to Newhaven’ – report / follow-up on recent NTBCC/CEC walk-through
    2. Lothian Buses / East London St etc. – next steps
    3. Participation Request
    4. EV charging – Focus group sessions 15th/17th November
  8. Environment – discussion following decisions taken at T&E Committee on 3rd November
    (15 minutes)

    1. Picardy Place : Final Design development proposal as agreed on 3rd November
    2. George Street & First New Town project – report / next steps
    3. Communal Bin Review – outwith Gull Proof Sack Areas update (note to be circulated.
  9. To note
    • ‘Use of Public Spaces for Events & Filming” – report expected at December’s Culture & Communities Cmte
    • Communal Bin Review: World Heritage Site streets – recycling trial
  10. Any Other Business & news from local Residents’ Associations etc.

NTBCC ordinary meeting minutes 13 June 2022

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s ordinary meeting, held at Broughton St Mary’s church (some attendance via Zoom), on Monday 13 June 2022 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision. Continue reading

NTBCC AGM minutes 13 June 2022

Minutes of New Town & Broughton Community Council’s annual general meeting, held at Broughton St Mary’s church (some attendance via Zoom), on Monday 13 June 2022 at 7pm

Actions and decisions are red italic. ND (‘no dissent’) means that no-one spoke or voted against a decision.

Items 1 to 5 and item 7 were chaired by Carol Nimmo. Item 6 was chaired by Bruce Ryan. Continue reading

NTBCC meeting agendas Monday 13 June 2022

This is our first in-person meeting for over 2 years. Members of the public are very welcome to attend this meeting either in-person or via Zoom – there are two Eventbrite links:

In order to know numbers, we’re asking everyone including community councillors to register. Registration via either link covers both the AGM and the ordinary meeting that will immediately follow it.

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PLACE Edinburgh: investigating short-term lets in Edinburgh

(adapted from an email from PLACE Edinburgh)

Do short term lets (more commonly referred to as AirBnBs) cause issues in your neighbourhood? If so, can you help us?

We are a group of Edinburgh residents who have lived experience of neighbouring full-time short-term let businesses in residential properties, where no owner lives on site. Through this we wanted to use our experiences to co-produce policies and procedures with Edinburgh Council around short term letting, using a Participation Request process, and to get a public debate going to hear more voices on the subject. However, as we are not a constituted group (which is not legally required for a Participation Request) Edinburgh Council has asked us to demonstrate that there is an issue with short term letting in Edinburgh and that we have public support for our recommendations on how we can balance the needs of residents and tourists.

Therefore, we have set up ‘PLACE Edinburgh’ and we are sharing our recommendations online, and sending it to elected representatives and relevant stakeholders, like yourselves, for feedback and to gauge support so we can move forward with the Participation Request.

Here is an electronic version of the Recommendations document – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P4GN1wHYgcElqxWZjyfMq02haxM4aWJhKUG3sZ5jMKE/edit

Here is an electronic version of a supporting caselaw document that shows how the law has ruled on cases involving short term lets: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wbqsOe8MiRzkqCHX2fZvF26ZRhJTaX6b/view?usp=sharing

We are asking you to:

  1. Look at the recommendations and let us know what your feedback is. Is it an issue in your community and in what way? Do you support the recommendations?
  2. Share the recommendations with your followers on social media and through your networks.

We are happy to try and get along to one of your meetings to talk through the recommendations, or encourage people who live in your community to go to share their experiences. We are just ordinary residents who want Edinburgh to be a safe, affordable and peaceful place to live and visit. We are not funded by anyone.

I hope that you can help us.

Best wishes

Deirdre Henderson