Trams to Newhaven Project – Road Safety Audit Report Published

The following is taken from a document issued by the Community Councils Together for Trams group following the recent publication of a report regarding the Trams to Newhaven Project Road Safety Audit.

The independent Stage 3 Road Safety Audit of the Trams to Newhaven project recommends 145 changes to improve the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and other road users. In their response, the Council (CEC) and the Contractor (SFN) have agreed to implement only 49.
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NTBCC’s objection to RSO/21/08 and TRO/21/32

NTBCC’s transport convenor today emailed the following objection to these TROs which – if passed – would enable the ‘Meadows to George St’ plans.

Dear Traffic Orders Team

Objection to RSO/21/08 and TRO/21/32

The New Town and Broughton Community Council (NTBCC) has considered the above traffic orders and wishes to object to them for the following reasons:

  1. Hanover Street

It is proposed to introduce two one-way cycle lanes on either side of this street between George Street and Princes Street. It was stated that the use of two one-way cycle lanes was to align with the design of George Street but at a George Street and First New Town project briefing last year we were told that the design of Hanover Street had been set by the Meadows to George Street Project. Given the stated intent to introduce consistency in the design of public realm, it would appear that a two way cycle path would reduce pedestrian/cyclist interactions, remove the need for floating bus stops on one side of the street and allow more space to be retained/created for pedestrians.

Given that in the plans there is no route for south bound vehicles (other than buses, taxis, cycles and other traffic wanting to access Market Street) beyond Princes Street, Hanover Street is essentially a dead end for most traffic and therefore the need for traffic to turn around would seem to be an important but overlooked consideration. With the narrowing of the carriageway this will become much more difficult especially for larger commercial vehicles raising serious traffic management and road safety considerations. It is also proposed to reduce the number of bus stops on the street which given the number of services that are using this road will be a counterproductive measure in that it will increase congestion around bus stops. Continue reading

Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting, 27 August 2020

Minutes of the Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting (Construction Phase) via Google Meet on Thursday 27 August 2020 at 5:30pm Continue reading

Manifesto for walking

(adapted from an email from Living Streets Edinburgh)

With Council elections taking place on 4 May 2017, Living Streets Edinburgh is asking all political parties to include measures in their manifestos that will make walking in Edinburgh safer, easier and more enjoyable. Edinburgh is a naturally ‘walkable’ city but conditions for pedestrians are often  inadequate. Yet despite barriers to walking almost every one walks. Living Streets want City of Edinburgh Council to build on this and to support their aim to make Edinburgh a truly world class city for people walking.

Here are Living Street’s four ‘big ideas’ :

  1. Transform Street Management
  2. Invest Much More in Walking
  3. Make a Comprehensive Traffic Plan for the City Centre
  4. Pedestrianise George Street

The full manifesto delivered to all councillors can be seen at New Town and Broughton Community Council would like to hear your views on the Living Streets manifesto. Please use our contact form to tell us what you think.

Parking in Edinburgh – consultation

(adapted from an email from Edinburgh Council)


A consultation is underway on parking in Edinburgh. The draft parking action plan  sets out a range of actions and was approved by the Transport and Environment Committee on 25 August. The main actions include:

  • The extension of parking controls to cover weekends/Sundays and into the evening
  • The roll out of shared use parking places
  • The introduction of visitor permits in the city centre

Edinburgh Council wants to know what you think about the parking proposals to ensure the it makes the right decisions about parking in Edinburgh.  Once you’ve read the proposals, please fill in the questionnaire.

Drop in Events

Further information and a full list of  local drop in sessions and engagement events is  available on the Council’sConsultation Hub at

Please forward this post to any contacts that you feel would be interested in making their views heard on the proposals.  The consultation is open and you can feed back until 31 October. Edinburgh Council looks forward to hearing from you.

Parking Action Plan Team

Parking Operations I Traffic & Engineering I Services For Communities I The City Of Edinburgh Council I 249 High Street I Edinburgh I EH1 1YJ I

City of Edinburgh proposed 20mph speed limit

(adapted from a post on Leith Links CC’s website)
In accordance with the terms of the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999, I write to inform you that the City of Edinburgh Council proposes to advertise the Traffic Regulation Order which will create zones in Edinburgh within which vehicle speeds will be limited to 20 mph at all times. Further information on the 20 mph speed limits, including a map of the 20 mph network, is available on the Council’s websites at and or at If you do not have internet access you can view this information online at your local library or Neighbourhood Office.

Should you wish to submit an objection to the proposal, please do so by 26 June 2015, quoting notice reference number TRO/15/17.