Road Works – What is happening in my area?

If you want to find out about road works happening in your area there are two sources of information. The Roadworks Scotland website has an interactive map showing road works across Scotland but with a search function that allows the user to focus on individual streets. Edinburgh Council also issue a weekly list of the road works in the City. Again it is possible to filter this list by location.

Please use the contact form on our website if you have any concerns about roadworks in our area. 

Urgent Repair Work – Princes Street

Extract from email received from Scottish Water.

I am writing to let you know about works on Princes Street in Edinburgh following an issue with a manhole at its junction with Frederick Street.

We are now about to begin our repair, with work expected to start on Monday 16 September 2024 for up to five days.

In the meantime, Princes Street has been reduced to one lane and Frederick Street closed from Princes Street to Rose Street.

Diversions are in place for buses and taxis while tram services are unaffected.

We would like to thank everyone affected for their patience and understanding.

Road Closures and Parking Restrictions for Dundas Street Footpath Works

We have recently been advised that the Council will be undertaking work on Dundas Street between Great King Street and Henderson Row that will require partial road closures on Fettes Row and Cumberland Street at their junctions with Dundas Street. There will also be restrictions to parking and loading on several streets in the area. A temporary TRO is in place until February 2024, but all the traffic restrictions will not be in effect for the full period of the order.

As well as relaying the paving slabs on Dundas Street, a new cycle rack will be installed near the Tesco Express and new pedestrian crossings will be created across some of the side streets along Dundas Street. This work will be undertaken during the day on weekdays and on Saturday mornings, if required. It is due to start immediately and will be phased over the next 16 weeks.

Local residents and businesses have been advised by letter of the planned works and restrictions. A copy of that letter can be found here. Please note that there is an error in the section describing Phase 5 of the planned work. It should read West footway rather than East footway.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or Martin Watson who is the assigned Project Manager for this work at Edinburgh Council at

Further Update on Canonmills Roadworks

In response to concerns raised by local residents about noise associated with the work being undertaken at night to resurface various sections of road in the Canonmills area, we have received the following update from the Council about the work:

• It has been possible to undertake more work during the day than originally planned without having to close the roadway

• As a result, the work is progressing quicker than planned and should be complete by 14 July

• The Council has reiterated to the Contractor that the noisiest activities should be complete by 11.00pm each night

• Should anyone have specific concerns about noise levels, these can be reported to the Council’s Noise Team by calling 0131 200 2000 or emailing

We have also advised our local Councillors about the concerns we have received.

Updated Information about Planned Resurfacing Work around Canonmills

Regarding the planned introduction of one-way traffic restrictions at Canonmills and the associated work to the carriageway and footpaths in the area, we have received the following updates (in italics below) from the Council’s Roads department with our comments following:

o The start has been put back a week till 12 June to give proper consideration to the proposals put forward by the Contractor and make sure that what will be in place works. Hopefully, this will also allow information about the work and traffic management to be better communicated to residents and businesses in the area.

o Traffic management will now not be placed on street till 7pm. The restriction to one-way traffic (northbound only) on Canonmills will therefore operate from 7.00pm until 6.30am (Monday to Friday). Traffic will be able to use Canonmills in both directions outside these times. There is some question whether Saturday morning work is also planned, and we will seek clarification on this point.

o In terms of noise, milling and jackhammering should cease at 11pm but work will continue until the Contractor is finished the laying operation which will be into the small hours. This will not be noise free. Apologies in advance, but there is no way to avoid this. We will continue to lobby the local Councillors to restrict the hours noisy work is undertaken to limit the impact on residents and for noise monitoring to be undertaken during the work.

o As the nature of the streets surrounding are predominately residential and in the New Town, there are no plans to sign a specific diversion route as there are numerous routes that can be taken and avoid the funnelling of traffic along one particular route. The bus drivers will know what route they have been advised to take. While we agree that there are multiple routes that could be used, we are concerned that there will be an increase in traffic at night along residential routes by all vehicles including buses and HGV. We will be lobbying our local Councillors to seek additional monitoring of traffic volumes along these diversions. We will also seek clarity about which routes the bus drivers have been told to take.

o As Warriston Road will be closed at times to surface the junction then the only access to that part of Warriston Road is via Logie Green Road. That section of Warriston Road is one-way, hence the suspension of the order.  It is also narrow so parking will be suspended and temporary lights will be in place to control traffic. Although this is necessary for a short time to allow residents access, given the narrowness of the road to the east, appropriate and clear signage needs to be in place and caution exercised by all road users.  

If you live in this area or use Canonmills to travel into or out of the City Centre and have any questions or concerns about this work and the planned traffic management, please let us know using the Contact page.

Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting, 09 March 2022

Minutes of the Community Councils Together on Trams/Trams Team meeting on Thursday 09 March 2023 at 5:15pm, at Trams project compound (165 Leith Walk)

Actions and decisions are red italic. ‘TT’ means ‘Trams Team’. Names are mostly abbreviated to initials. Continue reading

Annandale Street to Picardy Place southbound road closure: update

NTBCC was supplied an broken link to Trams to Newhaven details about this closure, and apologises for any inconvenience caused by publishing it.

This post has now been corrected, and the correct link is

The diagram of traffic management from that link is below. (Click the thumbnail to see the full-size image.)

diagram of London Road/Leith Walk traffic management