NTBCC full agenda Monday 9 December 2024 and conveners’ reports received so far

This will be an in-person meeting: Monday 9 December at 7pm, in the Drummond Room at Broughton St Mary’s Church on Bellevue Crescent.

The bracketed information shows the time allocated to each item.

Convenors’ reports will be added below the agenda as they are received.

  1. Welcome and apologies (5 minutes)
  2. Approval of minutes of November 2024 meeting and matters arising
    1. draft November minutes
    2. Actions from November minutes
Item Actor Action
1.c NTBCC Share Zoom meeting numbers and passcodes, not just URLs
3.a NTBCC To try to make late deputation on EWHT. Failing that, contact CEC planning convenor and/or other cllrs.
5.b P Williamson Check whether planning permission was obtained for metal grills on Royal London Building
5.c S Holledge Convene ad-hoc groups on the mentioned consultations
6 R Price Pick up 24/05018/FUL and 24/05030/FUL with NTBCC’s planning ctte.
7.c LLCC rep Forward guidance relevant to Albany St HMO situation
  1. Police report – TBC (15 minutes)
  2. Chair’s report (15 minutes)
    1. Edinburgh World Heritage Site management plan update
    2. Community council elections and governance update
  3. Transport and environment matters (20 minutes)
    1. Report on EACC Meeting (28.11.24)
    2. Transport and Environment Committee (12.12.24) agenda:
      1. Cleansing Performance Report
      2. Trams to Newhaven Update
      3. City Mobility Plan Capital Investment Plan
      4. Tables and Chairs Permits
    3. East London Street Update
  4. Licensing matters (20 minutes)
    1. Licencing Sub-Committee (29/11/24) – HMO Properties
      1. HMO 540522 at 39-47 Albany Street (Withdrawn 19/11)
      2. HMO 541034 at 27 York Place
    2. Civic licensing – Other Applications: (to note/discuss)
      1. LHC 540091 at 6 Picardy Place
      2. STL 538256 at 10a Blenheim Place
      3. STL 523318 at 11 Marshall’s Court
  5. Planning (15 minutes)
    1. Princes Street/Waverley Valley Strategy consultation (closes 21.02.25)
    2. Current applications to note
  6. Culture and communities matters (20 minutes)
    1. Culture and Communities Committee meeting agenda (5.12.24)
    2. Visitor Levy Consultation (closes 15.12.24) – confirm NTBCC submission
    3. Ross Band Stand Consultation (closes 20.12.24)
    4. Edinburgh Future Libraries Consultation (closes 25.12.24)
  7. Treasurer’s report (5 minutes)
  8. Any other business

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