This will be an online meeting on Monday 13 November 2023 via Zoom (link) at 7pm. We’ll open the meeting at 6:45 so we can start promptly.
To access the meeting, please use the Zoom link here.
- Admin and welcome
- Approval of the minutes of the ordinary NTBCC meeting held on 9 October 2023, and matters arising (To approve/discuss)
- Police report (if received) (To note/discuss)
- Chair’s update
- Update on NTBCC officer and convenor positions
- Edinburgh Association of Community Councils
- Public realm – Leith Walk
- NTBCC response to CEC Community Council Scheme and Boundary Review 2023 – Phase 1
- Licensing (convener’s report)
- Short Term Let Licensing scheme – Home Letting vs Secondary Letting (To discuss)
- Alcohol Licensing
- New draft policy statement and consultation (To note)
- Police annual report 2022-2023 (To note)
- Street trading and market operators consultation (To note)
- SEV licensing – CEC regulatory committee evidence session on 27 Oct (To note)
- Planning (convener’s report)
- Concerns over planning (class use/enforcement) and licensing for cafés
- Update on STL planning applications and licensing register
- Proposed development in the Canon Court aparthotel car-park (23/06328/FUL)
- Broughton Market (23/06502/FUL) Change of use from office accommodation to serviced apartments
- Edinburgh Council’s conservation and adaption initiative
- Transport (convener’s report)
- George Street and the First New Town project (update on side streets)
- Travelling Safely update (including Waverley Station masterplan/Waterloo Place bus trial)
- Response to HES consultation regarding Holyrood Park
- Report on outcome of Hardie Inquiry
- Updates: Trams project, East London Street and LEZ
- Environment (convener’s report)
- Communal bin review (including plans for World Heritage site) – see paper by acting environment convenor
- CEC litter-bin siting policy
- Weeds on pavements, gutters and roadways
- Culture and Communities (convener’s report)
Presentation/discussion on Edinburgh Council’s community council review
(There were no relevant items arising from this cycle of CEC committee meetings.)
- AOCB, including news from residents’ associations, and points raised by members of the public.
Please note: before or during the meeting, names and email addresses may be recorded. Email addresses are held and used for circulating information about NTBCC but may also be used to seek residents’ views on local issues.